Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

Sith Website Complete

For all intensive purposes the website is complete. The only real content that remains to be added either cannot be added right now for one reason or another, or is going to be transformed into a competition for the Clans so that all the Order can contribute by helping say a littel something about their House or Clan. Expect a competition sometime in the next week, and expect to see an announcement about the Sith site finding its permanent home sometime in the next few days.

Battle Compendium

The news that no doubt a lot of Sith have been waiting for, our very own battle compendium, is not far around the corner. This is the office's primary goal for the next couple of weeks, so expect to see somewhere to host our missions very soon.

Sith Headquarters

I've just recieved an email from the Oracle's office today regarding the headquarters of the Sith Order- or lack thereof. This means that over the next week or so I'm going to be trying to decide what to make our base on Antei, be it an old archaic temple, a modern orbitting space platform, or whatever. However at the moment I'm extremely undecided so would appreciate ALL feedback that the Order can give me... the headquarters will ultimately become a part of our heritage as much as the Dark Hall is to the Council, so I'd like to encourage you all to help contribute in your own way towards the future image of the Order. Any feedback will be appreciated, no matter how small- even just an email of 'old building/new building' will help me decide what decision to make.

Battle of Antei Awards

In case anyone missed the announcement a little further down- the Battle of Antei medals for December have been awarded. On the whole participation was not bad so we will be seeing the competition continuing- and as I have said in the past, the more you participate the more chance of me upping the awards.

On a semi-note, there were no awards for the December Ladder for there were not actually any TIE, XvT, XWA or SWGB matches played at either the Battle of Antei or Space Jam, and no other matches were reported. So no Crescents for last month, but the January Ladder is still running, so members of any Order can feel free to take advantage of some easy Diamond, Ruby and Amethyst Crescents.

On a semi-semi-note, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] is currently looking for a new name for the Space Jam competition held every Sunday. If you've got any ideas please send him a mail. We may even give you a Dark Cross if your idea is good enough to be used!

Capital Gains

Well I must say I have been amazed by the response to the second half of Capital Gains. Activity has been astounding and the Crescents will certainly be well deserved, in a way its a shame we can only award so few as the participation levels are truly excellent. I have to say that I'm proud of everyone, Sith, Obelisk and Krath alike for taking so much interest in what is- predominantly- a Sith oriented activity. It will seem that Mav's words to possibly present some extra awards if activity levels are high will not have been misplaced, and that we will indeed see some additional bonuses for the Clans that have given it their all.

Fighter Gains

The name's subject to change, but the principle will be similar. In the coming weeks you can expect to see a similar competition to Capital Gains, this time relating to the Starfighter possessions of both Clans and individual members. I can't say much more as nothing has been finalised yet, but look forward to being able to flesh out your mini-fleets very soon :)

Crest of the Strategist

I'd just like to thank everyone who has responded, be it through the comments system or the message board. You've given a lot of good feedback so hopefully I'll now be able to flesh out some details for the award and see what the rest of the Council make of the new ideas. Hopefully we'll be able to make a medal that will be both an interesting and valued award for mission design, both for the Sith and Obelisk platforms.

In Darkness,

High Warrior Zorrixor

Whats the URL for the Sith site? at the moment, it should be getting its own home rather than just its current demo location on the LCH domain soon though.

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