Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

HLK News #10 - January 17th, 2003

  1. Manesh's Music Competition

This is the competition I announced in my last report. All of the details are here:


I have only received one submission from PRT Muz Ashen. This was a perfect submission, which guarantees him first place. Come on now, there are enough people in this house to pretty much assure yourselves a placing. Of course if you have any questions about this comeptition, you can email me.

  1. Capital Gains

The Captain Gains writing portion has finished, and I unfortunately did not make a submission myself. I kept putting it off until the last day, then I got busy, so oh well. However, I know of two people who submitted, PRT Muz Ashen and SO Jeff Loruss. If anyone else submitted to this competition, let me know. I'm just curious. By the way, 2 out of 5 members participating is 40%, which I think is pretty good. If only I had participated myself, it coulda been 60%, but oh well.

  1. Shadow Academy Courses

PRT Muz Ashen has completed the OBELISK CORE course.

If you're ever bored, why not complete a Shadow Academy course? I know, most of you have completed most of them already, but I felt like mentioning it already. Shadow Academy is at:


  1. Medals

-SO Manesh was awarded a CRESCENT WITH DIAMOND STAR (my first) for 1st place in Mav's New Year's Resolutions competition.

-SO Manesh was awarded a DARK CROSS for participation in the HLK run-on.

-SO Manesh was awarded a CLUSTER OF FIRE for participation in the ICTE

-SWM Smitrock was awarded 2 CLUSTERS OF FIRE for participation in the ICTE and Tuesday Showdown.

Nice to know I'm not the only one participating in those multiplayer competitions.

How do you earn medals, well you look at how other people earned their medals, and do the same thing.

  1. AWOL Check submitted

HLK now only has five members after I submitted the results of the AWOL check we had a few weeks ago. Pretty cozy, isn't it?

  1. Conclusion

You know what's really weird? The first time I was Quaestor of this house, HLK had anywhere from 30-50 members. And yet my reports nowadays seem just as long, because the four of you are really being active. It's quite wonderful

Yes Smitrock I know about your mission, I'm working on a response now, and I'll announce it at a later date (like when we have a Sith Compendium up).

=SO Manesh Sadow (sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

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