Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Cipher sat meditating on the weeks events, and decided to record some of them so that all might see. She reached out her hand and a datapad floated softly to it, and landing even softer in her scaly hand.

With clawed fingers, she began to write her first report of the new Phyle.

*APP Keaira has been VERY active this past week. On her first day, she was able to complete several tests in the Shadow Academy, Create a Character History AND an ACC Character sheet. She had also been active in the MB. As such, she has been recommended today for a promotion.

*ACO Szandor has been active this past week. He has been active in the MB.

*APP THRAI, PRT Bartleby, and NOV Relhok Nek have been in-active this week, and are considered AWOL.

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