Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

House Marka Ragnos Rollmaster Report #2

kinda early, I know, but since I have a visitor over this weekend, I don't know how much time I have to do this later. so I thought I'd better do it now, instead of pushing it back. ;-).

anyways, on to the actual report:

  • Running Run-ons:

        HMR run-on: (  
  • New Run-ons:

Murder Mystery – Avatars of Death Run-on: find it in: (

(password: 4v4t4rs)

Extra rewards:

Dark Cross for the two Dark Jedi with highest activity.

Dark Cross for the one Dark Jedi with the best input (quality over quantity)

All in all, that’s a potential 3 medals a single Jedi can earn for one competition. So go and post, everyone. Week 2 is almost starting, and we have hardly seen any activity yet. We don’t want a different phyle then ours winning, do we? ;-)

I’m planning on questioning the Headmaster, Kaiann, some time later. Hopefully, since he is the one who recruited me, he’ll release some useful information. Also, I will probably have a conversation with Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro, my Mentor (I don’t like the sound of Mistress. ;-) ) as soon as possible.

I just hope some others will try and gather information as well.

Week one clues:

List of victims:

  • Planned Run-ons:

With the new Murder Mystery run-on now started, and since everyone involved is in the Phyle anyway, I think it is better to put any other new Run-ons temporarily on hold, at least until Murder Mystery is properly running. Of course, if I get enough reason to start a new one anyway, I’m always willing to do so, but in my opinion, DJB-wide competitions are more important then house run-ons. ;-)

  • Competitions:

Scooby Doo, Where Are You??:

Tiss’ competition. Not a whole lot of submissions so far, and almost one week has passed. More submissions would be appreciated. ;-)

  • Various Items:

Welcome to APP Apollo.

Rori, as a request, is it possible to add an office for the Rollmaster to the map of the temple? If it isn’t doable, it’s no problem, but I’m getting more paperwork then my quarters can handle. ;-)

oh, and as soon as CoFo check his email, I should be Korras Aquillarum. due to roleplaying reasons, I've decided (and was allowed) to add aquillarum to my name. :-)


GRD Korras (Krath)/RM-TYR/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: INI]



PIN: 3728

I've given you an office on the map but I'm not going to be changing the Mod. That was pretty much a one shot deal and because of that mod I've started to hate the Aurora toolset for NWN so sorry all but what you see is what you get for that mod.

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