Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Fire Sergeant Report

Ok, some of you have been inactive for at least a month. I was trying to be nice, hoping you'd shake it off. A little note, me noticing you on IRC, that's all it really takes. If you happen to go out and play in some competitions, even better. A good thing is the Operation: Continued Dominance. Draw a little stickman with a lightsaber in Paint and submit it for the graphics portion. Boom. Participation points.


Here's a nice website for all your competition needs


Operation: Continued Dominance has started. http://www.taldryan.org/pcd/description.html

There's stuff like anagrams, ladders, writing, etc.

The ICTE (Interclub Training Event) is every Saturday.

at 4pm est in #outerrim.

Tuesday night GMRG Fight thing in #GMRG. Starts at 2:00 EST.

Thursday Night Bash, starts at 6:00 EST in #obelisk.

"Space Jam" and "Battle of Antei" are two new weekly CF earning things. They're in #sith.

There's some thing with "different" maps somewhere. Instead of Bespin you play on some ship, or in the Matrix, or something like that. If someone is talking about SOAW, they're probably talking about this.

A bunch of us are trying to play some allegiance. (www.freeallegiance.org) It's free. It is a team game, so we need lotsa people. If you're interested, talk to Mav.


Shad and Shar moved up to QUA/PCON

Awards, etc.

Dask_k - 1 CF

Me - 8 CFs, Cr-R, Cr-A


I should've never taken biology. Bloody giant textbook. Insane teacher.

OT Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan


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