Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Well it is time again for a Team report this is going to be a bit short i've been busy this week :-)

Well this week is the start of the Sith War and as many of you have probably heard this time it is open to everyone. I would like to see everyone compete in this I know that some of you are busy ect... but there are some competitions that can be done in only a few minutes even if you don't have any of the games. The following is a link to the non-game events that you can compete in with the exception of the ACC ladder which can be found on the MP-link on the top of the page.

I am also going to count any particiaption in the Sith War as part of the Activity requirment that says everymember needs to take part in one comp every two months. So remember to cc me on anything you send in :-)

Not much in the way of medals or courses this week. You folks need to do something so I can fill this section up.

William X passed Dark Jedi Meditation Course way to go Will.

I got 2 Clusters of Fire which still seems odd to me

I would also reccomend that everyone takes a look at the Krath Run-On course a little practice never hurts.

I am also running a few comps so you may want to take a look at those they are pretty simple and don't have to take much time. On top of the comps that I listed last week.

New Comp Info

As always if I left anything out let me know :-)

KP Spears

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