Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hey everybody, been another long week. I was away all day today at this fraternity convention, some good ideas and food but it did stop me from sending out my weekly report in the morning. Anyway, we do have a lot of things happening in the House at the moment so I would like to start with that.

First, let’s talk about competitions. Currently running are the House motto comp (ends tomorrow), the inter-phyle league (ends next week), the ever-present Krath monthly topics, the third Sith War, and several others I’m forgetting at the moment. The point is there is at present plenty of ways to be involved in the House and I would like to thank all those that do participate in these games and bring recognition to our House. For those who chose not to participate there are always things to do from fighting in the ACC to working on SA courses and the House summit always has tasks to do for those who wish to ask. The meaning here is get out and do something, every little bit of activity helps make this place more fun and is rewarded.

Second, the duties of the Master/Student program have been almost entirely turned over to the Oathmaster. From now on all correspondence about the program goes to him and indirectly to the Quaestor and myself. I haven’t heard anything yet but I would like to find a Master for PRT Issard by the end of the weekend, if no one volunteers, I think we might just appoint someone. He’s been very active so far but he needs guidance to continue and I think we need to offer that if this program will ever work.

Okay, now for some other stuff namely congratulating members for work well done. The only person I really have to congratulate this night is PRT Issard who this week has shown more activity than anybody else is in this house. In only a few days he has reached the rank of protector and has passed the following Shadow Academy courses, many with high marks: Leadership Studies (Completed: 2/20/2004),IRC Basics (Completed: 2/20/2004), IRC Channel Operator Studies (Completed: 2/20/2004), ICQ Studies (Completed: 2/20/2004), MSN Messenger (Completed: 2/20/2004), Krath Core (Completed: 2/20/2004), Krath Poetry (Completed: 2/21/2004) and, Krath Run-on (Completed: 2/20/2004). Several other members have achieved awards this week; ACO Ramser was a warded a crescent with amethyst star, GRD Jordan McKell received the crescent with sapphire star and Epis Saitou received crescents with amethyst and ruby stars for his participation in various competitions. Further, APP Kat was promoted to Novice upon completion of the brotherhood history form and we have lost a member, NOV Luciar has transferred to the Rouges due to his overload of schoolwork. I know how that can be so good luck and we hope to see you back some day soon, and for everyone else congratulations. If I happened to forget something, I’m sorry but this is all I’ve heard about.

Obviously, this has been a busy week due to the length of this report so sorry about that. The results of my House motto comp will be out sometime tomorrow so look for that. Have a great week everyone, keep up the good work.

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