Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

The QUA is back folks and this week you won't be seeing a list of medals, promos and awards because I've seen very little in the way of activity. I'd like to thank Korras for watching the store during the week and for the activity report for the house.

Those of you listed as unknown contact me as soon as possible by either email or find me on irc in the clan channel #naga_sadow and we can discuss your level of activity or lack there of. Alex has already stressed the need to talk to the other members of the clan.


not acting TET, does not have the


1 email over egroups, requesting why everyone is on leave, and

pushing mIRC.

activity on IRC

Ghost Angel:

LOA, will try to be back by next week.

Tissaya Luna Argat:

LOA, returns 26th / 27th



Sildrin Rys:

alive. for the rest, unknown.


Working with Manji on HMR Manga

on LOA until end of februari

Nekura Manji Keibatsu:

doing stuff for 3rd Sith War (ACC & Allegiance)

working with Beo on HMR Manga

Rori Beedm:

Left the DJB.









Omidus Rela:




For anyone who has any of the sith platforms I urge you to give Manesh the QUA of our Sith House a hand and do what you can in the sith war.


On the krath front as always we have the KMTs plus the inter phyle comp.

  • Inter-phyle comp ONE MORE WEEK!!

The closing date is scheduled for Feb 28th. By that time I'd like each group to have decided on a murderer. End your run-ons by writing a short report to myself with who you suspect and the main reasons why.

Please note that myself, Trevarus, Tiss, Vithril and Vassan have lots of clues for you all, and yet we haven't been approach very much for them. If you're getting stuck for ideas, come and talk to us and find out the directions that the KHP and Oracle are investigating... of course, you're welcome to disagree with those directions if you want to :P

More clues out this evening after the irc meeting...

  • Feb KMTs:

Poem topic: The flame

Poem type: Haiku (please note, your poem may have more than one verse)

E-mail to Alanna: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Story topic: Blind

E-mail to Ciara: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Both KMTs due by the end of Feb. Please submit in .txt or .doc.

Alright that's it people, before i finish I just thought I'd address part of Alex's rant during the week. :P

With regards to my own leave I can't speak for the rest of the house it's a rather nasty combination of burnout and rl commitments. You want more details just mail me I'm not going to give you the entire screwed up situation of my life. :P

In Darkness,

KAP Janos Silverwulf

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

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