Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

  • Inter-phyle comp has closed

I would like to thank everyone who has helped to run this competition, or who has provided clues or actually taken part. It's taken a lot of work by a lot of different people to get it going, and I hope it was enjoyed.

The KHP and the Oracle are now studying the reports submitted to them by the phyles, and they will be announcing their own conclusions, and the 'most useful' reports, shortly.

Given that this was a first attempt that this kind of competition, I would be interested in receiving any feedback that people have. Criticism accepted (as long as it's constructive). I know a couple of people are interested in running similar comps in the future, so any comments you have would be useful.

Once again, many thanks to all who took part.

  • Feb KMTs (Last day tomorrow):

Poem topic: The flame

Poem type: Haiku (please note, your poem may have more than one verse)

E-mail to Alanna: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Story topic: Blind

E-mail to Ciara: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Both KMTs due by the end of tomorrow. Please submit in .txt or .doc.

(New KMTs out on Monday.)

  • We're going to start running the character development competitions again. Watch out for more information on this coming soon.

More comps? good, are they all team based or are some individual? oh and did you check the MB's for Prophacy's "run on" or were we supposed to mail them in?

We'll be reading all the run-ons off the MBs, so you don't need to mail them in.

The character development comps will be individual entries, as are the KMTs. Whether we run another team-based comp before the GJW will depend on timings - I need to speak to Mav etc about that.

~ Lannie.xx

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