Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Morning everyone hope to have a quick report today due to not really having a computer (I'm on Spring Break).

Sith war is still on for a little while longer and we look in decent standings, I would of course encourage all of you to do what you can in these last few days to help the clan out. We also have a new set of KMTs released this week and the Dragon guard phyle motto comp has a little time left; this one is especially important for our House in that will build traditions we use for a long time.

Some notable accomplishments this week include: Lance Syrden completing his Krath core test, Issard Jokaat passed his HTML Basics test, and Jordan McKell has submitted his Aedile's task for promotion and is now beginning his last requirement for the rank of Jedi Hunter. Finally our great Consul has earned the honor of fighting in the final rounds of the sith war tournemant. Congratulations to all.

Last thing I wanted to mention is this issue with changing of names to that of a new family. At present I have no problem if some of our younger members would like to adopt a new family name, as I believe they help promote friendship within the brotherhood. However, if this new family at all poses a threat to our House, clan or any of the fellow clans I must support the clan summit and condem them and their actions. So no one else go out and join the Tang'va family as the summits do not quite agree with their policies and as such you have no support from me. Sorry, I had to be so harsh; I don't know much about this family but if what they say is true then I believe we have cause to worry and I don't want to see anyone from our House get into trouble. Have a great week everyone.

-JH Kschamehellan(Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

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