Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Ok I am now on a semi LoA for the week. I probably should have been on one last week but I had no idea things were going to be so badly busy for me. I think I put in over 40 hours and I'm only part time! If anyone needs me just send an email. I'll try to answer them as often as I can.

Phyle happenings and gossip!!

SWEET!!!!!! With the help of Dranik and a lesser extent to Spears, we have won first place in the inter-phyle competition. We will be getting a book from the DC library. What it will have inside, I don't know but I'll give out details asap.

Ok medals for this week all went to Dranik. One Emerald Star for second place in the run-on which is just an awsome read. 14 CFs for the JA WoW in Feb. along with a Dark Cross for all that participation. He also passed the Obelisk test of skill, the HTML basics and changed his name! Dang you've been busy.

Competition stuffs!!

Sith War!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I've not been updating the competition page like I should be. I'm sorry for that. You can all beat me now. Come on, free swings at the TET. :) I'll try to find the time to change things on the page. If anyone would like to help me with that feel free to offer. hint hint

Question of the week.

Who would make toast while taking a bath?

And now for this weeks moment of zen.

As you were walking into the library one day you found Telona in there all by herself. She didn't notice you entering and as you take a seat you hear her talking. Who was she talking to? You just sat there and listened to her argue with whatever was in front of her. It was an interesting arguement even though it was all in a language you didn't understand. Suddenly she gets frustrated and turns around. She forgot she was on a ledge and quickly fell to the ground. She then noticed your presence and gave you the look of death before marching out with a huff. You decide to not tell anyone for your own sake.

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