Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


-Roster holding at 10 tyros.

-The DG homepage is under construction and online at:


Roster Page Added, including:

-Aghasett's Profile, w/ Character Pic

-McKell's Profile

-RevengeX's Profile


-Dragon Guard Motto Comp:

Create the Dragon Guard motto, with a 1-2 pg. story explaining the motto's significance and how the motto came into being.

1st place: Cr-1E

2nd place: Cr-1T

3rd place: Cr-1Q

Start date: 3/01

End date: 3/31

Sumbit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Thus far I have no entries :( Don't let me down DG! or I'll be forced to motto our phyle "Uncreative Weasels Without a Motto" :P

-What's your Past? Comp:


GRD RevengeX walked slowly into the room with many Krath Tyros following him into the meeting hall of the Dragon Guard. The Tetrarch sat at the head. All the tyros sat silently into their seat. Only RevengeX was standing.

"My fellow Tyros of the Dragon Guard Battleteam, I wish to know your past, from as far back you can remember to your first day in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood."

There was some muttering and then silence.

"That is all."

The meeting started.

Start Date: 3/12/2004

End Date: 4/12/2004

Awards: Crescents

Submit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

TET's NOTE: Great Comp! Please CC me w/ entires ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), so that I can include them in the DG site.


Krath Order - Through the Looking Glass:

This is a cooperative writing competition. Master and Student enter the competition together and write about one event at which you were both present.

Firstly, the two of you should write a piece of fiction in the 3rd person explaining the event.

Secondly, the master and the apprentice should individually write about the event from their own perspective (in the 1st person).

This gives you three pieces of writing to submit to the KHP and Tiss.

So, for instance, the 'real' event could be a combat. The apprentice's version could have him saving his master from certain death... but the master's version could be very different :P

Don't double space your font: whether TNR, Verdana, Arial or alike, 11-12 points, written in .doc file.

Submit all three fictions together by sending them to Alanna ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Tissaya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

End Date: 4/23/2004

March KMTs:

-Dialogue: 'The interrogation'

This should be written entirely as an interchange of dialogue. (Exception: You may have a short introductory and ending paragraph which is not in dialogue form if you need it.)

Submit to Alanna [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

-Story: 'Dark Deal'

Story not shorter than 3 pages in word, no double spacing, 12 point.

Submit to Tiss [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Closing date for both is the 31st March. Please use .txt or .doc format.


-Jokaat and RevengeX you swarthy dogs! You've both made it to Guardian! Excellent work!


Lots goin' 'round this week. Please give it up for:

-Jordan McKell, recieving a Cr-1S for 1st place in the "Dark Council Maybe" comp

-Issard Jokaat, recieving a Cr-1E for 2nd place in the "Dark Council Maybe" comp

-Rhaub D'ar Aghasett, Jordan McKell, Yun, and Anubis, recieving a Cr-1Rs for 2nd place in the "Inter-Phyle" comp!


-Rhaub passes the Leadership Exam

-Lance passes the IRC exam

-RevengeX passes HTML Basic

TET's NOTE: Broaden your mind! Increases your size and stamina! Reign as a Krath God/Goddess! Go to the Shadow Academy and take a course or two! It's good for your brain and stuff!


A mad, mad, loco-in-cabeza MaDHadSteR(tm) welcome to APPs Magiere and Icro Kloo! <

cool name :)


Emperor Palpatine's developement of the first Dragon Guard was inpsired by the alchemist-priests of the Holy Kyun Empire of some 2,000 years past. He acquired this sacred Kyun knowledge from the Historicus Tabularium, a massive and powerful dark tome that is now in the protected stacks of House Acclivis Draco.


The HAD homepage is under construction and online at:


Roster Page / Profiles Databank - Added:

-RevengeX's Profile

-Unteminar's Character Pic

-Magiere's Name

-Kloo's Name

-Jokaat's Rank Elevation Updated

Archives Page - Added:

-Unteminar's Page, w/ 7 Entries!

-Magiere's Name

-Kloo's Name

Thanks to everyone for being so supportive of the site! Without your participation, it doesn't work. So keep filling out those profiles, sending me stuff for the archives - fiction, poetry, graphics, anything! And rock on HAD!

Hav'a great week everyone :)

For the Guard,

Tetrarch Rhaub D'ar Aghasett

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