Headmaster Report


Headmaster Report

Another week, another HM report. Someone must love them, I guess.

Highlight - probably the joiniest week the DB had ever seen (okay, joiniest isn't a word, but I guess you get the idea). We've been doing overtime in the Test of Lore grading department. And especially great - most of them were Sith, giving this order a much needed boost.

Lowlight - due to the Sith war, I didn't get much in terms of the new courses from the respective responsible folks, but I guess they'll work on that now that they've helped their Clans in (hopefully) victory.

Spotlight - a little thing regarding the various programming courses (HTML, ASP, PHP): If you already know the respective language and do the exam just for credit, still at least cursorily read the notes and try to use the language constructs taught there. While other solutions may be just as good or even more elegant, it's often hard to grade and you might receive less credit than you deserve.

Bad light - is what you can shed on some fictional individuals in the latest Headmaster competition "Head Count". Your task is to examine some of the rarer and more unusual Shadow Academy failures. And you know well that most failures tend to be because of the untimely demise of the candidate during some of the more dangeruos aspects of training. All the details can be found right here and I expect at least ten submissions, so get going, especially those of you who've asked for something from this department :)

Delight - is what I'll take in seeing you all get busy with those courses and competitions. Us leaders like giving out promotions and awards, but you'll have to give us a reason.

Flight - isn't my way to get there, but I'll still have to take a short LoA until Wednesday night because of a business trip. See you on Thursday.

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