Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Fire Sergeant Report

First off, I'd like to say congrats to Xuth, and that I have the better brigade. So there :P

Second, everyone who participated in the Obelisk/Sith RoS' should have got their awards now. Thanks to everyone who helped place Dinaari in first/third.

Lastly, if anyone checked the DB site on April 1st they would have noticed that all of you who earn CFs every week (like you're supposed to) got a bunch of Golden Lightsabers. This means that I can officially say that if you earn a bunch of CFs you might get Golden Lightsabers (Maybe next year). Get out there and earn them!


Here's a nice website for all your competition needs

http://dinaari.taldryan.org/competitions.php (Has a nice little Dinaari-only option as opposed to the Taldryan-wide one)

The next "QUA Quickie" has begun. Something to do with making banners.

(Weekly CF Things)

"Moonelf's Quest" - Monday 3:00 PM EST in #gmrg

"Tuesday Showdown" - Tuesday 2:00 PM EST in #gmrg

Nothing on Wednesdays that I'm aware of...

"Thursday Night Bash" - Thursday 4:00 PM EST in #obelisk (Guns only)

"Battle of Antei" - Friday 10:00 AM EST in #sith

"The ICTE (Interclub Training Event)" - Saturday 4:00 PM EST in #outerrim.

"Space Jam" - Sunday 1:00 PM EST in #sith

(/Weekly CF things)

A bunch of us are trying to play some allegiance. (www.freeallegiance.org) It's free. It is a team game, so we need lotsa people. If you're interested, join the IRC channel #dballegiance on Undernet and bug someone until they tell you how to get started.


Xuthen left DF to become the other SGT

Awards, etc.

David - 3 CFs

wolf - 2 CFs

Swiper - 2 CFs

Dask_k - 6 CFs, G:IRC2 (Shadow Academy thingy)

Me - 14 CFs, BN, Cr-E


The week went by too fast, as spring break usually does.

OT Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan



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