Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hey everybody,

It looks like a short report today as not mch has happened in the

last week.

Congratualtions are due to Isaard Jokaat who passed his Obelisk core

exan with a score of 94%. Myself for recieving a crescent with

emerald star for participation in the Dragon Guard motto comp.

Finally, a steel cross has been given to our Quaestor for the high

level of dedication he has shown to our house and order by

attempting to restore us to our position of First House of the

Krath. This is long overdue and I think we all owe him.

There are several competitions going on at this time; The krath

monthly topics have been released for this month and info can be

found in the KHP report or on the website. I will talk

more about them as the deadline draws near.

The one's I want to push today are the Independance Games. That's

right the same games everyone is talking about are coming up soon

and should be amazing. Do what you can because activity will be

rewarded and it will help us prepare for the coming GJW.

I also have a request from you, the members of the House, as Aedile

I have been asked to come up with some competition for the Games but

I have yet to find an idea that is suitable for such a large

participation group (Though I have some awesome ideas for our House

after the war). If you guys have ideas you would like to see done

just email me; this is your House and Brotherhood and you should

have a say in what you get to do and what activites happen.

Thanks a lot, stay active and have fun this week. I look forward to


-JH Kschamehellan

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