Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House News

So I finally missed a report... dah well there wasn't really much to announce then anyways :P At least for this week we have a good batch of medals and transfers, plus some new clan shiznizzle to talk about and the latest QUA Quickie.

First two really important announcements!! I've chosen Xuthen (insert-long name here) as Dark Infantry Sergeant and I've selected Brynn'tah as Commander of Hyperion Flight. I'm sure both of these guy/gal will do great jobs and get their battleteams active.

Well these new two parts aren't technically House news as it's coming from the Consul and Proconsul, but it does affect Dinaari so I'm adding it up here. Recently Kir sent out a few emails about new Taldryan Programs that he's starting. The first doesn't really matter to you until it's finished but it's the Clan Heritage Program - a Program designed to give you new members a sense of History that Taldryan has had over the years and keep you in the loop on what achievements we've made and how we won which Clan Posessions, etc.

The one that more directly matters to you guys is the Taldryan Sects. Basically each of the current House and Clan Summits take on 5 "pupils" of any rank, preferably Jedi Hunter and below though, and be your guide into the Brotherhood. Basically this means helping you get used to how the DB functions, how competitions work, how to get on IRC, the MBs, emails, etc until you're well versed enough to carry on solo. This isn't a mandatory thing but if you'd be interested in more help send Kir an email and pick one of the Summit Members - Kir, Sharad, Myself, Crix, Alaric or DarkSabre - to be your Sect Leader. For more information check out: http://www.taldryan.org/news.php or email Kir and ask him about it. I urge all you new guys to try this out as it'll make getting into the DB alot easier and more fun.

Competition Updates

The first portion of the first ever QUA Quickies ended last weekend!! I only got a few submissions for the motto comp but I've already received tons more for the new portion! This week, ending on the 10th of April (probably extended), you get to create some crazy Dark Jedi/Star Wars/DB-related Banners for the House. You can find all the info at http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/competitions.php#current and find all sorts of other competitions there as well.

Week One: Dark Infantry Motto Competition - Winner: Toao, Runner-up: SwipeR

Week Two: Banner Competition - Dinaari is in much need of a facelift. In this comp members will get to create new banners for the House and have them shown either on the Dinaari or Taldryan sites. Top 2 placers will be taking home crescents and this counts for those of you trying to complete the Dark Jedi Trials!!

Well the Sith War ended and the results were released last week sometime. We did fairly well considering our lack of Sith present and placed Third overall! A few people managed to place indivisually and scored some Novas. Good work to everyone who helped us get third!

Finally, months after the end of the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy we get the results. Thanks out to Shaithis for annoying Kho into finishing them. I'd like to take a second to say we f***ing kick ass and took First House of the Obelisk for the third time in a row!!! Sexxxcellent work guys, we've showed the DB once again why Dinaari always takes first :P

Third and final phase of the Clan Taldryan Tally's has started. Login, vote, be cool.

News from Abroad

Well ahem, it seems I forgot to change this :P Anyways... Jac's been changing the hosting on the DB site so most admin functions have been down for a bit. That should all be wrapped up soon though.

In more important news, the second annual Independance Games is almost here. Basically its like 50 QUA Quickies at once from every leader that is AED and up. Should be lots of fun and an easy way to win medals.


Novice Requite has been elevated to the rank of Acolyte!! Congrats!

Novice Toao has achieved the rank of Acolyte as well by being digustingly active! Keep it up, Toao!!

Apprentice Dark Oblivion has completed his Character History thus earning him the rank of Novice! Congrats.


Sexy amount of medals this week, even some fancy smancy Novas for some people :P Good work, guys!!

Warrior - Bronze Nova, 80 CFs

Benevolent - Bronze Nova, 14 CFs, Crescent w/ Emerald Star

Dask_k - 6 CFs

Thor - 8 CFs

Wolf - 2 CFs

David - 3 CFs

SwipeR - 2 CFs

Godo - 2 CFs, Gold Nova (damn!), Silver Nova (double-damn! :P),

Volant - 1 CF

Parts and Joins

Apprentice R'lyeh has joined House Dinaari, welcome aboard!

Apprentice Naraku has joined House Dinaari, welcome aboard!

Apprentice Rain Marie has joined House Dinaari, welcome aboard!

Apprentice, now Novice Dark Oblivion has joined House Dinaari! Welcome!

Apprentice Xerxes Malleus has joined House Dinaari, welcome aboard!

Apprentice Freedon Nadd89 has joined House Dinaari, welcome aboard!

Holy hell that's a lot of new people :P Welcome to all you new guys and a quick note that you should start working on the Dark Jedi Trials and getting yourselves on IRC, etc. And yes, I know I used the same welcome greeting to all the new guys, but there was too many to make up something for each :P

QUA's Corner

Third House of the Sith, First House of the Obelisk... Dinaari - Is there any easier way to spell pwnage?

_OE Pimp Shadow Taldrya(Obelisk)/M:OHC-QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan [ACC: PF]


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