Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report #3

report over the yahoogroups, since the DJB mailing lists appear to be down. I suggest all who have access to the groups (QUA's and such) to update those. I can update for HMR, but not for others. :-P


I noticed this a couple of times over the last week. When sending in competition entries, sometimes people forget to CC me and Janos. If you don’t CC us, we don’t know what you’re up to. So, if you have recently entered in a competition, please send it to us now. Don’t worry about stuff that already ended up with either Janos or me. If either of us got it, you can be pretty sure the other now has it, too. But from now on, please CC both of us. Thanks. :-)

Also, I hope you are all prepared for the IG’s. I am. Janos’ competition got accepted, as did Tissaya’s and mine. Even Malik, who is on vacation, got a competition in. trust me, you’ll like them. :-P

And note that at the end of the IG’s, I will be rewarding all those who took part. Those rewards will mostly consist of medals, but hey, if you complete your trials within the IG’s, who am I not to promote you? ;-)

Oh, and some are close to being promoted already, but just need to finish off some final things. I think you can guess what my suggestion there is. :-P (and a message: yeah, you’re mentioned now. :-P )


HMR-HAD run-on still going, as is the Manji and Muz Ashen’s run-on. :-)


Free Form Fiction. Two entries so far. I’m sure it can be better then that… submit to me, with Janos on CC.

Bonanza. Also two entries. Submit to Tissaya, CC’ing Janos and me.

Medals awarded:

Manji got a Crescent with Sapphire star for the caption comp, and 4 CF’s for the ACC part of the Sith War.

Korras (wee… I get to mention myself in my report. :-P ) got a Crescent with Emerald star for the caption comp, and another with a Sapphire for the KMT.

AWOL Check:

My list got narrowed down a bit, fortunately, but still there are a lot of names on it. I won’t list them here again. You know who you are, I think.


So, long report. I like long reports. :-)


DJK Korras Aquillarum (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: L]



PIN: 3728

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