Game Over


Game Over

Wow, three posts in a day... I'm on a roll.

I've just been informed by the Grand Master that, due to some unfortunate circumstances (some of which I am to blame for, I suppose), I will not be retaining the position of Headmaster.

I did what I could, and would like to think that some good was accomplished. The site is automated, the courses are in better shape, new things have been tried and tested, and people are getting a better perspective on what training is really meant to be.

I don't really know where I'm going to go, or what I'm going to do. It's a little sudden, and somewhat unexpected. Such is the way the bouncy ball bounces, I guess.

I wish everyone I've had the pleasure of working with the best of luck, and pray for all the best for the Shadow Academy.

I don't want to bore you all, so I'll shed the tears somewhere else...

Thanks for everything, guys.

Never be afraid to stand up and be counted for something you truly believe in - even if you do so alone.

<table bgcolor="#000000" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td></td><td>Obelisk Battlelord Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
"I am darkness incarnate."

<small>OBL Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council


{IWATS-AIM-ASP-BOT-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-JS-LIN-M/1/2-NS-PHP-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-VBS-XAM-XML-XTM/1/2-XTT}</small> </td></tr></table>

Oh joy... so it's now firing active members!

Mage, the SA bloomed with you, and I worry it will be not so with whoever replaces you. The SA is fine the way it is now.

I bet you'll be welcomed in every Clan.

I've seen a lot of Headmasters during my time in the Brotherhood, but you were the best. It was in my opinion the first time ever that the SA did something meaningful and the new plans to help people improve their writing and playing meant that for the first time, the SA was going to provide actual training for the things we do in the DB.

Too bad this didn't meet the GM's approval :-(

What did you expect? You should know by now that everyone is expendable regardless of how active they are :P

What did you expect? You should know by now that everyone is expendable regardless of how active they are :P

What did you expect? You should know by now that everyone is expendable regardless of how active they are :P

lol I think the comments thing is broken... its posting things 2-3 times

The same thing happened to Jac too it looks like :P

A agree with Kaiann and Arania. Ahh well. >:/

I cannot believe this... I simply can't.... You are one of the most active people I know in the whole of the DB. What where they thinking? Oh, well, they might as well try and realise their huge mistake when the new HM won't be able to handle half of what you were able to.
I'm sorry about this. I really am.

Who's "they"? I hope I'm not being lumped in there, cause I didn't have anything to do with it.

Quite a few good things have occurred in the Shadow Academy. If anything, the institution could hardly be called stagnant anymore. The winds of changed had arrived, and many things were getting done, perhaps on the slow side, but done nonetheless. I know Mage and I could list quite a few things that were completed. However, I think the one and only flaw in the SA was this: Poor centralization of energy on one specific, major project.

All in all though, Mage's rank and medals are hardly represenatite of what he did as Headmaster and Praetor under Trouttrooper. I would hardly say he failed as a HM. Other people are failing much more than Mage could ever hope to descend to.

SBL Pyralis

I've received a lot of comments to the effect of what Arania is saying...

Guys, let's be fair. I did what I did, and if the Grand Master says that doesn't work - well, it doesn't.

I've thoroughly enjoyed my time up until now, and give my blessings to the next Headmaster. Besides - nobody said I couldn't come back later. ;)

Keep it clean. I'm glad I'm loved, but let's not start a civil war over it.

No Mai, "they" did not imply you had anything to do with it :)

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