Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report #4


IG’s are underway. However, the first problem has already arisen: the database is acting up again. The events can’t be viewed. And the ACC is down as well… hopefully, the games will be prolonged, since nobody can really do anything now.

I’m going on a semi-LoA this weekend. I’m just taking a little break, and am going to relax in the sun, at a swimming pool, with my cousin. The time I do not spend there this weekend, I’m spending at his place. My email response time will still be 24 hours, but don’t expect me on IRC a lot. I will pop in occasionally, but that’s about it.

The AWOL check has finished… we lost 9 members… those of you who have been AWOL’ed, and read this, you’re welcome to return any time you like…

The site is, altogether, acting up a lot. Mailing lists work partially (thus I am sending this through egroups, as well as the djb groups). Hotmail receives as normal, as do some other email providers, but Yahoo,, and several others’s do not. Also, some hotmail accounts tend to see the messages from the djb domain as spam, and move it to the junk mail. The techies are looking into it, but can’t find what is wrong.


HMR-HAD run-on still going, as is the Manji and Muz Ashen’s run-on. :-)


IG’s. Although those are down atm…

Medals awarded:

Free Form got four submissions. I’d like to know, is anyone interested in a second go at it between the IG’s and the Great Jedi War? Lemme know. The results are as follow:

3: Muz Ashen and Kali. Two nice stories, and I couldn’t decide who was the better of the two… so a shared third place.

2: Manji. Very interesting read.

1: Beowulf. Insane writing as ever… I didn’t have such a good laugh in a long time. :-D

All four entries are attached for those interested in reading them. :-)

Also, Muz Ashen got a Dark Cross for his large amount of entries to the Bonanza! Comp. results for that are underway.


APP Centrex to Novice. Although a bit late… I didn’t know you completed your ACC character sheet already.

PRT Kali Desdemona Damon to Guardian.


DJK Korras Aquillarum (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: L]



PIN: 3728

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