Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report #5


The IG’s have been prolonged. Yay. :-)

I’m happy to see you guys participate. And I’ll be even happier if we manage to place in the final standings. but hey, the most important thing is that you have fun while doing it. :-)

New Members:

Rori Beedm returned. :-)


HMR-HAD run-on still going, as is Manji and Muz Ashen’s run-on. :-)


IG’s. Lot’s of IG’s. Rewards at the end for those who participate… ;-)

Medals awarded:

A Crescent with Saphire star for Beo.

Another one of those for Muz.

One with an emerald for me.

A Seal of Loyalty for the wolf and me. Wolf, it’s actually a medal, not a critter. Though if you want to adopt that seal as the new HMR mascot, feel free to do so. ;-)


Muz Ashen Promoted to Jedi Hunter.

Beowulf and I were promoted to Priest. I don’t know about the wolf, but I’ll throw in a party. :-)


KP Korras Aquillarum (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: L]



PIN: 3728

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