Addendum to GJW Awarding


Addendum to GJW Awarding

A few points:

  1. There won't be a participation Nova; rather, leaders may award participants as they see fit. Please award responsibly.

  2. Instead of waiting until the end of the GJW to dole out medals, you can award after the Phase is done. So, if the leaders want to award medals for participation in Phase I, they can. This does not include Novas, which I assume will be given at the conclusion of the War.

That's good for me! I've seen few people in my House doing a good job and I need to reward them for their job during this war. I don't care if they will achieve a good position in turns and events (actually I 'm still ignoring the results of sith events) they deserve something for their support to the House.

ditto... Some people's efforts in Phase 1 might have been forgotten if we waited the entire length of the Great Jedi War for promotions/medals. I'm glad we can award them now for their efforts.

Just for the record, this order makes Belzo a very good CHAN :P


Yea, Belzo's a good CHAN... Even though he's IRC Hitler. :-P

lol, Belzy is fine, and, why did you delete that previous news post Nyxman? :P

Assuming it was that post publicising a private log and asking for the general membership's comments, then one hopes he realised it was utterly inappropriate and deleted it.

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