Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Call to Arms - Midweek Emergency Report

Muz Ashen pressed the button on his desk that summoned all of his Tyros to the briefing hall, then stood up. This was going to be one long week. Marching down the hall, he adjusted his daito, the hilt gleaming with dull malice under flourescent lighting. Turning to the briefing hall, he stalked over to the podium, lowering the lamps as the last of the soldiers came in. Muz stamped his boots, obviously nervous about what he had been told by the superiors on Antei.

"Gentlemen and Ladies. We have been issued an emergency status. Something most dire has occurred within Command's Headquarters. The communications have been severed from very high up. And yet, this is not the most disturbing turn of events. More troubles have been stirring throughout our new homelands." Muz turns to activate the viewscreen behind him, the dull glow lighting up their faces.

"I have mission specs here. We have one from the Krath High Priestess, an archaeological dig in the Shadowlands of Antei. They're saying it's of relatively minor consequence, but that is probably doublespeak for 'so important, we don't want anyone to know how big it is.' We should deal with this accordingly." The viewscreen changes from the terraformed map of Antei to one of a surveillance shot of an Antarran pirate.

"This mission comes from on High, The Dark Council. These pirates were captured during the last Jedi War. The Arconans have been holding them ever since, trying unsuccessfully to get some information out of them. Our Sith and Obelisk brothers are mobilizing to strike Antarran bases and compounds. They need information, data, troop embattlements, all we can get. The Dark Council has given us Carte Blanche to extract information from these poor fools in any manner that works. Our Clanmates are relying on us. Let's get to it."

Muz cracked his neck, continuing. "And of information gathering, there is also a personal divination mission, issued by our own Consul of Clan Naga Sadow. We have all felt the disturbance on Antei, some of us feeling it coming from the Star Chamber. He wants us to use our force divination, hell, even necromancy if necessary, to find out what exactly happened in that Star chamber. Obviously, none of us are powerful enough to channel one of the mighty triumvirate, but there had to be a dozen or so apprentices wandering around in there. And that's who we'll have to get inside." Muz looked out over the Tyros, noting their expressions.

"I understand that these missions seem dangerous, even harrowing. But know full well, that rewards await those with the strength to try. You journeymen stand to gain many medals and promotions, if you manage to survive this. Fortune favors the bold. And we are naught if not bold. So let's get out there and show them what the Sons and Daughters of Sadow are made of." Muz steps down from the podium, motioning to Starlion and J'Rai to follow him.

In the hallway, heading to the Tetrarch's office, Muz talks to the two eldest Tyros. "Now gentlemen, I realize that you are of higher rank than I, and I fully respect your strengths in the force. I also realize that you all need motivation beyond a few Crystal Crescents, and the kind of promotions you seek are beyond my jurisdiction to grant. But I need your help, the whole of Naga Sadow requires your aid. And if you give it, I give my word that I will do all in my power to fight for your advancements." Muz looks them in the eyes, then turns to leave with a nod. "Thank you, gentlemen."

The fifth Great Jedi War had Begun, and there was much to do.

See a comprehensive list of missions at

Krath themed missions: Due June 4!


You and a small team of clansmen have been assigned an archaeological site to excavate and report to the Krath High Priestess. This site is located in the Shadowlands of Antei, and is of relatively minor importance. Describe your experiences as a member of the team. What sort of planning went underway to prepare for the dig? What did you find? Were there any problems? Length: 5 pages, 12 point times, 1 inch margins, .doc format.

The Dark Council has asked for your assistance in interrogating the Antaran captives to learn more about their Council. Detail your interrogation techniques. Length: 1 page, 12 point times, 1 inch margins, .doc format.

You are an Apprentice to one of the Triumvirate of the Star Chamber (Tiamat, Okemi, Ferran) Describe the final days of the Star Chamber, retell the last moments of your life, or the aftermath if you survived the Obscuration. Length: 2-4 pages, 12 point times, 1 inch margins, .doc format.


A song, and a surreal series of images have haunted your dreams. Every time you close your eyes you fear what you will see. Record the song, and provide a one-page extrapolation or interpretation of the songs meaning, and of your visual experiences. Length: 2 pages, 12 point times, 1 inch margins, .doc format.

Clan Run-On

Re-tell the events that have occurred since the end of the Sith - Antaran war. What was your Clan's role in the conflict? How did you take advantage of the situation for your Clan's gain? How did the events affect your Clan's goals and long-term ambitions? Length: 150 posts on Clan message board.

DJK Muz Ashen (Krath)/TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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