Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report #1

Korras looked at his old, now empty, Aedile office. Before he could start thinking of the past, Beowulf ran in. “YAY! My office! Finally!”

Korras just frowned. Beo was renowned for his … enthusiasm, and everybody was used to him by now. The new Quaestor chuckled when he thought of the madness now decending on the members of HMR, while he turned around and left for his own office, leaving Beowulf alone in his enthusiasm.

He had already moved his belongings to his new quarters and office. His Sith Energy Sword, a gift from Arania, back when they were fighting Kedeht on Korriban, was hanging on the wall behind his desk. He shuddered when he thought back of the day the Sith Spirit in it had taken control of his body.

His Energy Gloves, simple armored gloves, save for the blades protruding from the knuckles, were flanking it, the blades crossing each other, as well as the energy sword. Above it all, his personal seal was hanging on the wall.

He sat down behind his desk, and looked at his console. Some messages were waiting for him, but nothing that could not wait. He called his summit together. Muz Ashen had already replaced Beowulf as Tetrarch of the Night Hawks, but Arion, the Tetrarch of the Avatars of Death, had mysteriously vanished. Thus, a new Tetrarch was needed.

Even though that was important in itself, even more pressing matters were waiting.

A new Summit

Some of you guessed already, but it’s final now. Beowulf and me were selected as new QUA and AED respectively. Muz Ashen, our hyperactive member #1, I assigned as TET as Night Hawks. I trust him to do a good job there.


Not all events are judged yet, so the final standings are not final yet. Me, I’m still waiting for the ACC event, which is worth quite some points.

As soon as all competitions are judged, and the full participation list is made public, Beo and me will go through it, awarding all those who participated accordingly. Even those who did only one event, will be rewarded.


Uhm… GJW starting soon. www://gjw.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Medals awarded:

Erlandil got an Emerald Crescent. Beo got a Topaz, and Zac a Quartz.


None. Not this week. Maybe next week again. :-P


That’s all for this week. I’m sorta expecting to be flooding the Chancelor with medal requests next week, but that’s a good thing, right? :-P

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