Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan Consul Report 6-6-04

As you probably noticed…most of you haven’t gotten any GJW emails from me in the past 2-3 days! I know you probably got a little depressed when you didn’t see any emails from me in your inbox, but fear not you’ll be getting a lot from me this week! The deadline is June 11th, which is this FRIDAY, so be prepared for LOTS of Consul Reminders this week (and read them all, they’re important)!! And on that note, its CON report time…


The Fifth Great Jedi War


5th GJW - 1st round ends June 11th! (FIVE days left!)

-Clan Submission count (remember quality counts as well):

Arcona: 56 submissions

Taldryan: 54 submissions

Naga Sadow: 40 submissions

Satel Keto: 22 submissions

Tarentum: 20 submissions

Scholae Palatinae: 17 submissions

Exar Kun: 5 submissions

We’re in a tight race with Arcona, so I hope we can push ahead of them by the end of this week!

-DGM Jac posted this bit of news on the GJW website: “Submissions submitted prior to 2:00 AM EST on 6/1/04 will receive a 2 point participation bonus” – So all of you who submitted before the judging details were released…you get a bonus!

-If you need help installing/playing/submitting custom missions for TIE, XvT, or XWA, here’s some helpful links for you:

for TIE Fighter (TIE CD):

for TIE Fighter (TIE 95):

for X-Wing vs TIE Fighter:

for X-Wing Alliance:

These links will explain to you how to install the battles, play them with a new pilot file, and then find/submit that pilot file for points!

-The JA, JO, and JK custom missions were released over the last week, here are the links to download them:




And just like I did above, here are some links that will help you with installing/playing/submitting for these games (remember the „Readme“files in all of these downloads also contain instructions for installing!)

JO help:

JA is very similar to JO, and the JK level is a little more intricate…so I’d recommend just looking at the Readme files because they’ll tell you exactly what to do!

-Also some people were having trouble playing the XvT mission because they didn’t have the newest patch…and the link on the Lucasarts website isn’t functioning. So if you need the latest XvT patch, you can download it here:

-Just like the Independence games, the GJW has a submission form for you to use (you can find it here: There are also links to this form on the GJW website. You need to use this form to send in all of your submissions. BUT also SAVE all your submissions on your computer, you never know when the form might not work, so SAVE EVERYTHING!!

-ALL submissions are due no later than 11:59pm EST on Friday, June 11th!!!!

-Remember to send your submissions in using the GJW submission form (found here: AND immediately email KIR and SHARAD telling us which event you submitted for!

-That’s all the GJW for this report, if you have any questions about the War, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], or you can email your QUA!


Get out there and submit!!


Clan Taldryan News

-For our placing in the Independence Games, we have been given a reward. Our reward is a banner that we are to fly above our Clan Headquarters that protects it from certain ill-effects, the description is as follows (it’s written in a RPG sort-of-way, be warned):

Taldryan / Banner of Ice:

All saving throws against fire, lightning and heat inside the Clan's stronghold automatically succeed. Members take half damage from fire and heat when inside the stronghold and within 24 hours after leaving it (to enjoy the protection outside the stronghold, the member must have spent

the overwhelming part of the last three days inside the stronghold to attune himself). Unlike the other banners, this one may be used on the Clan's flagship (for up to one week every month). It must be clearly mounted on the bridge for this purpose.

Basically this means that our Headquarters is now protected from fire, lightning, and heat! Members inside also share half of that protection. This makes our headquarters a much more formidable stronghold!

-All Clan Projects and Programs are on hold for the duration of the GJW.

-PCON Sharad is technically “on leave” but he will be around for a few more days during the GJW to help out his Clan.

-Well I managed to get the money so the Taldryan JO server should stay up and not be cancelled, yay! Thanks VERY much to freshjive to was the only one to make a contribution!

DB News

-Remember all news posts on are “in character” for the duration of the GJW, so that is why they are a little different than usual.

-The Headmaster is still looking for someone to take over for Sharad as the Eclectic Pedagog of the Obelisk Core Shadow Academy course, apply to HM Kaiann if you are interested (you have until Monday to apply!)!

-Some of you have been playing in the weekly Saturday Multiplayer event called the “Interclub Training Event”. Well starting last week, the ICTE has been replaced by “Celestial Fury”, which will become the new Saturday Multiplayer event. Celestial Fury is an interclub competition that will be taking place every Saturday in #outerrim from 2 pm EST to 11 pm EST. The competition revolves around attacking planets controlled by other clubs. If you are interested in signing up, talk to LCM Mav and check out the website here: I played in it this week and it was pretty fun!

-To repeat an old (but important!) announcement… Arania has asked me to make an announcement about personal possessions. As she is currently compiling a list of them for approval and the like (in preparation for Rebirth), I would like to ask all members that have personal artifacts and poisons to submit a description of the item and any effects to Arania. However, this does NOT mean the item is automatically approved and is now "official," but submitting it to Arania is part of the process. So get to it! This includes custom weapons used in the ACC. This is important if you want any of your characters possessions to be recognized once Rebirth starts, so email Arania at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with yours!

  • The Weekly Multiplayer Competitions are still going on regardless of the GJW. The dates and times can be found on the Clan Taldryan website in the competitions section.

-The Krath Monthly Topics (KMTs) for June are “Feral Sheep” and “The Force”, more details can be found in the KHPs weekly report. While these are good writing exercises that I like to see our members complete, I STRESS that GJW events should take precedence over these!

-Be sure to visit for all the news.

Medals, Promotions, and Transfers


Kir – Clusters of Fire, Diamond, Amethyst, and Emerald Crescents

Shadow – Clusters of Fire, Amethyst Crescents

Dask – Clusters of Fire, Emerald & Amethyst Crescents

freshjive - Clusters of Fire, Amethyst Crescent

Dark Sabre – Amethyst, Sapphire, and Topaz Crescents

Shadowhawk - Topaz Crescent

Curunir – Sapphire & Emerald Crescents

Malevolence – Emerald Crescent

Benevolent - Clusters of Fire

Apoc - Clusters of Fire






-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on!

That’s all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC, I’m logged on quite often!

Important Links –


Dark Brotherhood –

Clan Taldryan -

Antei Combat Center –

Message Boards -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Compendium -

Summit Members –

CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

PCON Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari QUA Pimp Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari AED Pimp Benevolent Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis QUA Shadonyx ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis AED Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.

Cohors Praetoria Taldryan – Dark Sabre and Shadow

In Darkness,

KE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Krath)/CON/Clan Taldryan




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