Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Greetings Brigade,


Anchors Away:

Team, is with a mixture pleasure and sadness that I inform you our brother Dameon Dante has recently graduated from his on shore Naval education and will soon (If he hasn;t already :-)) be posted to a ship. His Internet/PC access will obviously be limited, but I'm sure we all wish him the best of success. Stay safe, and we look forward to your return.

Great Jedi War:

Gentlemen, it is apparent from the communication we have all recived recently that Tarentum has lacked some of it's usual passion for war during Chapter 1 of the Great Jedi War. I managed to submit to 4 events during this chapter and hope to do more in the next.

Our Consul, Sith Bloodfyre has already promised medals etc. based on each of your level of participation, but more than that I'd like us to prove we are a committed Team. Participation from every one of us in at least one event should be the minimum we aim for. If any of the new Apprentices need any assistance on how to complete please drop me a line.

Let's show them what we're made of!

GJW Website:http://gjw.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Blades of Malice WEB Site:

I mentioned previously that once Jac got his WEB hosting up and running I would request approval for the Blades of Malice WEB site. I sent the request off a little while ago but still haven't heard anything but I'll follow up this week.

If any of you are WEB designers/coders please let me know.


The ranks have grown;

DA Depriest (Obelisk)/RM-TRP/

GRD Sauron (Obelisk)/TRP/

NOV Dameon Dante (Obelisk)/TRP/

APP Kestral (Obelisk)/TRP/

APP Son Luciferius (Obelisk)/TRP/

APP Naga Dor'An (Obelisk)/TRP/


None this week.


None this week.

Important Website URL's:

Dark Brotherhood Website: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com

Shadow Academy Website: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html

Clan Tarentum Website: http://www.clantarentum.net

House Cestus Website: http://www.geocities.com/scktrav

Obelisk Website: http://arcona.entar.org/obelisk/

Yours in Darkness,

GRD Zill (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum


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