Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

I know it's been awhile since i've made a report. Still, not too much for a RM to report, really...

NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS: All HMR Members not currently stated as on LoA MUST email me (Not the list). This is an AWOL check. Failure to reply will result in your removal from the house. TET's are asked to inform me of any known LoA's that i may/may not have received.

Welcome to Priest Muz to the Summit.. more priests to the top.

Goodbye to Beo, and to Rori; you will both be missed. Good luck with your RL's, and we hope you'll find your way back to the Brotherhood when possible.

I am hoping we can get a better participation rate out of the run-on this chapter... my name will be on that list, Arion. Lord knows Korras needs the Grand Librarian to keep him informed, and I know Muz will be capable of assisting the house keep the Run-on on track.

The HMR website had a slight update this week; I have altered the main Library page to include the "Latest Five Entries", so you can quickly find new stuff from our members. A few people still havent gotten out of the Guest quarters.... but i'll save embarassing them until later.

Until next time,

Krath Priest StarLion

Grand Librarian of Ragnos (RollMaster)

Dark Jedi Knight Eternus

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