Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

Greetings, from the office of the Combat Master.

Well, this marks the first week of my reign as Master of the Antei Combat Center, and there are alot of exciting things coming up. Unfortunately, I'm still waiting on final approval for 99% of them (btw, Jac and McKenna, when are you going to get back to me? ;-p), so I can't reveal them yet. You should see some of those changes by next week's report, though. There has, however, been one major change which begs address.

Several staff members of the ACC have been removed recently, due to inactivity, and I would like to wish them well and let them know that I hope they continue to fight battles in the ACC. In conjunction, I have taken on a new judge - none other than Headmaster Kaiann.

And, to be honest, I don't know what else to put in here, since it is my first DB-wide report. ;) Things are looking up for the ACC's future, and I expect you will all be pleased with upcoming changes. Until then, keep on fighting, and make sure to compete in the Great Jedi War!


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