Herald Report


Herald Report

What the...?

Vital Signs

Contrary to popular belief (or is it a popular wish?) I am not dead. In fact I'm more than alive. At times I wish I weren't, but that's how things go. I'm sure you're all wondering what's been going on in HRLD-land... ok so maybe three of you were... The rest of you probably couldn't care less. First, some official DB stuff...

Show Don't Tell

Mejas is back from his jaunt in Canada and all fired up to make GoA's again. I'm sure his mailbox was flooded.


Konar Siosk-Baas #2685


Kir Katarn #109

Dalthid #2563

Vail Aquillarum Unteminar #1540


Like I said... I'm around. If there's a saber request that's slipped through the cracks, send me a follow up. Chances are I missed it through the sea of spam and other useless e-mail I've been getting lately.

What You're Doing

Believe it or not, I've been busy on some DB stuff myself. There's going to be a new look for the HRLD office. The rest of what I'm working on is a big fat secret. I just like to tease you all by mentioning little things like I'm restructuring guidelines and standards... and it'll affect members GRD and up.

In The End

Meh - what can I say? I can't compete with The Weekly Jac and Mav's rip-off of it. I just don't have that much to say. Besides, who the hell reads my reports?

Bonus: Ever notice there are themes to my reports? What's the theme of this report? 10 points to the first person to link the clues.

arent they Rush songs/albums?

ack - the titles of each of the little headings

Obviously you were in a real RUSH when writing this. And does anyone ever do an idea that doesn't go with music ? :)

Who says no one reads your reports? You always manage to put in a sardonic quip or two.

They all appear to be Rush songs.

And some of us are truly endeared to your reports. You've been HRLD since time itself was wrought of the dimensional fabrics, have you not? :P

I read the HRLD reports! Do one with a few Iron Maiden hints in and I'll worship your report-writing skills for ever more ^_^

<3 Kaine

My reports are fancy, but they contain about as much information as yours. :P hehe

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