Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


News: Shakedown! Tissaya replaced Zhang Long as Tet of the Night Hawks, and has already reinstated her own personal case of bad-ness. Excellent. And then, with the admission of our newest member, Keitaryu Oukoumei, We have decided to reopen the Avatars of Death Phyle. The bold Knight Jack Ordo stepped up to the Tetrarch position of this newly reformed phyle, with many of his family members banding together under that banner.

Standard Stuff:

Promotions: Ardana Ordo was promoted to Novice, along with Keitarou Oukoumei. Morombath also was promoted to Novice, but managed to somehow pass the Acolyte Barrier as well. Most Excellent, all of you.

Decorations: Tissaya Argat won a Sapphire Crescent for the last month's KMT, an Emerald Crescent for the last Aediles fortnightly comp, and an Amethyst for my own Breathe Life II comp. Holy crap, Tiss. You even have room in your medal case still?

Taliana Ordo scored an Amethyst Crescent for blowing away the AFC, as well as snagging a Dark Cross for wearing the purple tigerstriped pimp hat. Go Taliana... just remember that Tiss wants that hat back when you are done wink

Morombath scored a Dark Cross for submitting a mighty one to the AFC, but a few seconds late. I'd imagine it was pretty righteous to score a medal even when it's late. He also scored another Dark Cross for his history submission. That's right, he won a medal for how sweet his character history was. It was cool enough for the Headmaster to notice, and that says a lot. Everyone should go check out Morombath's History. It is well done, and not the regular cliche that a lot of people have. Well done, Morombath.

Jack Ordo won an Emerald Crescent for his submission to my Breathe Life II comp. Well done, Jack.

Nekura Manji Keibatsu won a Sapphire Crescent for his second place submission to the Breathe Life II comp. Excellent.

Muz Ashen scored a Sapphire Crescent for his submission to the last Aedile's Fortnightly Comp.

Graduations: WOO! Taliana Ordo passed the MSN messenger Exam.

Morombath. Wow. IRC, IRC OP, MSN, and the ICQ exam all fell to Morombath's skillful pen.

Jack Ordo passed the ICQ and IRC exams. Wonderful.

Deaths: Even better, all of this has been occuring, and no one has died. Heck no serious injuries were reported.

Recruits: Keitarou Oukoumei joined us late last week. Welcome goes out to you. I take it you've probably already met Nekura Manji Keibatsu wink.


Utter Decimation (screenshot)


The Chaos Engine (Fiction)


Death To All Whom Oppose Us! (Fiction) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=521

NIGHT HAWKS! Stairs of Darkness http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=532

NH weekly Trivia


NH Motto Comp!



ROCK! This week was a pwnage inducing burnination fest! Many, many medals were distributed, the shadow academy is complaining that it is underfunded again. Promotions were also plentiful. Excellent. And the fact is that there are still a plethora of missions (comps) available to continue this cycle of padding your medal cases. Great job, everybody. Keep up the good work.

Let the beatings commence!

KP Muz Ashen (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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