Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hello all there hasn’t been much going on in the Phyle recently as we are all trying to recover from the GJW.

Look for a compy from Selket and the website compy is still going and so far I’m the only one who has done anything so anyone who can help please do.

Sorry for missing my reports and such lately I had knee surgery and have been out of the loop for awhile.

Notice in the ACC BATTLES section I am the only one with ongoing battles so anyone who has their sheet finished please get some going on that would really boost morale I think

I’m glad I saw this before I sent my report but there is a BROTHERHOOD wide competition going on right now for a new graphic for the Scroll of Indoctrination so get to it. Not to mention the reavers website compy still going on. It’s going to end on the 31’s of October so send me an e-mail with any ideas or what not graphics exedra.




PRT Callus Bo’Amar: Crescent with Emerald Star


Braxx Merkess to the Reavers


PRT Callus Bo’Amar vs. DJK Warhunter

PRT Callus Bo’Amar vs. DA Shan-Long – Qualifying

PRT Callus Bo’Amar vs. KE Xizor


Reavers Website – House Aleema

SoI graphic design – entire DJB

And that is about it for now I’ll make sure to keep up on my reports

PRT Callus Bo'Amar (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto [ACC: INI]



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