Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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INTRODUCTION </td> </tr> </table>

DB Wide Comp!

Looking to earn a Star of Antei? Or even a Dark Cross? Here’s your chance! DJM Corran Force has created a new Brotherhood Wide competition where everybody can participate. All you have to do is create a new graphic for the Scroll of Indoctrination and make sure yours is better than everybody else’s, then send it to the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] while CC’ing it to the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and the [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Remember to zip it up before attaching it to the e-mail and get it in before the 22<sup>nd</sup> of November for a chance to win. First place gets a Star of Antei and 2<sup>nd</sup> place, a Dark Cross!

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REPORT SUMMARY </td> </tr> </table>

<li>Quick Dark Cross Competition</li> <li>October’s Sapphire Competition</li> <li>HLK Monthly Duel</li> <li>HLK Holiday Extravaganza</li> <li>Awards and Promotions </li>

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FRESSH NEWS </td> </tr> </table>

#001 – Quick Dark Cross Competition

DC History

_ _ The Grand Master is offering a Dark Cross to whoever updates the DC History for him. Whilst it’s too late to claim dibbs, aka – Add the first comment in reply to the topic on the DJB News Page, you may still try to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with your update zipped in the attachment for a chance to win. For most in the squadron it’s your first shot at a Dark Cross, so give it a go!

#002 – October’s Sapphire Competition

Start Date 8<sup>th</sup> of October

End Date 29<sup>th</sup> of October

Awards: 1st place - Crescent w/Emerald Star

2nd place - Crescent w/Topaz Star

3rd place - Crescent w/Quartz Star

in each game platform


TIE FREE #1 - Battle on the Frontier

JK FREE #1 – Lost Base on Hoth

JK2 FREE #1 – The Ladder

Send your pilot files to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by the 28<sup>th</sup> of October

Feel like writing a piece? Write in size 12 font for a minimum of 1 page/maximum of 2 pages about Your Funniest Moment as a Dark Jedi. Keep the language appropriate and make me laugh and I’ll award medals and cookies! Same guidelines apply for awards as above.


N.B: So far we’ve had one submission. Not good enough! I want the whole squadron to take part in this. You’ve only got 5 days left until it’s too late!

#003 - HLK Monthly Duel

Monthly Activity Comp

As HLK is made up entirely of Obelisk and Sith, Rai has decided to make this new comp free of written tasks and the like. It goes like this,

The member with the most JA/JO/JK1 wins in a month gets a crescent w/ Amethyst Star

The member with the 2nd most JA/JO/JK1 wins in a month gets a crescent w/ Sapphire Star

The member with the 3rd most JA/JO/JK1 wins in a month gets a crescent w/ Emerald Star

And the same goes for XWA and XvT

Just to be clear on this, you can place in both categories. You are allowed to get 1st in the JA/JO/JK1 category and still place in XWA/XvT. You could end up with 2 awards.

Every win will earn you a Cluster of Fire.


This new comp will run every month. If your match counts towards another event it will not be excepted into this event. The matches are left up to the players discretion and can be run however you would like them to, aka melee against bots, duel, etc. The only rule being the highest score at the end of the match wins the match. Matches with bots must be atleast 10 minutes, and you cannot compete against the same opponent over and over again or you’ll stop earning points. A victory means 1 point.

If you’ve got any questions or queries, please speak to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

The comp ends the 31<sup>st</sup> of December next year, so you have heaps of time to submit! ;)

#004 – HLK Holiday Extravaganza

It's Holiday time in Ludo Kressh.

__ Yeppers. Rai’s done it again :)

For each holiday write a story detailing how the you (or the house)

prepared for the holiday celebration. Then, at the end of the story, tell

what happened at the party.

You can only submit for the current month's holiday.

Again, all questions and queries go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] :P

You have until the 28<sup>th</sup> of February next year to get posting. You get awarded 3<sup>rd</sup> level Crescents for good submissions.

#005 - Awards and Promotions


JH Erlandil Valenthort received a Dark Cross (DC)

GRD Akile Draccor received a Dark Cross (DC)

DJK Konar Siosk-Baas received a Dark Cross (DC),

and 2 x Crescent with Amethyst Star (A)

Nice work peeps! :)


Konar Siosk-Baas got promoted to DJK

Yay me! :P

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STANDING ORDERS </td> </tr> </table>

#001 – Antei Combat Center

#002 – October’s Sapphire Comp

#003 – HLK Monthly Duel

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ACTIVITY </td> </tr> </table>

CMDR/DJK Konar Siosk-Baas


FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-2

FM/JH Erlandil Valenthort/Sapphire 1-3

  • Receiving a Dark Cross (DC) for submitting in the GJW

TRP/GRD Akile Draccor/Sapphire 1-4

  • Receiving a Dark Cross (DC) for submitting in the GJW

TRP/ACO Fur D’orin/Sapphire 2-1

  • Submitting to October’s Sapphire Competition

  • IRC Activity

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-2

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-3

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-4

FL/Open Position/Sapphire 3-1

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-2

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-3

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-4

Squadron Mascot/Rorey the Blue Kangaroo

Getting his corps stolen by Ewok fugitives. Having his corps chased by Konar in a failed attempt to rescue him. "Don’t worry Rorey, I’ll get you back" – Konar Siosk-Baas

__ NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do anything. It just means I just didn't see you do anything

Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it.

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CONCLUSION </td> </tr> </table>

Yay! Everybody had a little piece of activity this week, well done! But receiving medals doesn’t exactly mean you’ve done anything yourself :P.

  • hears sighs from the slackers who thought they’d get away with it, and shakes his head *

The Antei Combat Center awaits you. Erlandil and I are the only ones that can actually compete in the ACC, meaning half the battleteam can’t. I want the Obelisk half :P to get onto Korras asap and challenge him to a Qualification Match. He has demoted himself temporarily to Trainer to get more of you guys qualified to battle. I’d suggest you take advantage of this before it’s too late.

Again, you have 5 days to submit to October’s Sapphire Competition before the only submitter wins a Crescent with Emerald Star. Try to make his job a little more difficult but proving you can be active in the comp too :P.

On a final note, Congratulations to everyone that received a medal! That’s the most activity we’ve had all month. Keep up the good work!

Your almost trustworthy half-sober commander,

DJK Konar Siosk-Baas (Sith)/CMDR/Ludo Kressh** of [Naga Sadow*](viewunit.asp?ID=9)* [ACC: SKR]




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