Master At Arms Promoted


Master At Arms Promoted

I should have done this earlier, but got sidetracked by so many projects, mails, conversations etc that I kept delaying it. For the longest time I remember being told by some people how Corran Force was not the best Master At Arms. How others might be more efficient, more this and more that.

It took me a while to understand it, but I'm glad I never listened to them. Corran is not perfect, no one is. But unlike those others, he cares about the members. Quite a lot too. He is someone you can count on and he has recently proven that he cares more about the Dark Brotherhood than many ever will. I can't believe I almost got myself convinced to get rid of a good man just because a few didn't like him.

Corran Force has hosted the DB website for over 2 years now without asking for anything in return. He has done his job quietly and has always been available for explanations or help. He more than deserves a promotion and I probably should have given it to him before today. So, it is with great pride that I promote Corran Force to the rank of Dark Jedi Master. Congratulations!

Congratulations on your elevation, Master CoFo!

Congratulations CoFo :)

Let me be the third to congratulate you on your promotion CoFo. You've more than earned it for your service to us all. Congrats.

Great, maybe he'll stop whining about it now.

*CoFo shout "DING!"
*Khan shout "GRATZ !"

Awesome. Congrats on the promo, CoFo. :)

Gilkane shouts "GRATZ!" lol we have a lot of EQers here. Congradulations and thanks for being our web host.

Thx everyone. CoFo shouts, "DING!" :-P

Well done CoFo!

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