Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Cipher sat perched upon her rock in her quarters. She was staring out the window, gazing upon a dusky sky, when she remembered something that she had been particularly lacking in lately: a report.

She realized she hadn't done one since she had been a JH... Not a good thing at all.

She slipped down off her rock and walked over to her computer terminal and began to form a report...

The Phyle is making progress. I have completed the website and am working on creating a page dedicated to gadgets that will be created by the Phyle members in some upcomming competitions.

In the wide gap between reports, I have attained the rank of Krath Priest... Yay me.

Gilkane was appointed Baron of the PA. Kudos Gil!

Desdemonea has been promoted to PR, chosen a master, and will begin her trials shortly. Keep it up girl!

Vicera is still on leave... Come back! We miss you! =P

Esca has been around and I see him from time to time on IRC... Keep going Esca.

The ranks have been clensed and only those who have remained active are in the Phyle.

Welcomes go Desdemonea and Uzbad. They have joined the Phyle recently. Kudos for making it this far.

I'm pretty sure that's it for now. My new goal... make weekly reports! =P

Cipher spread her wings and flew over to her rock again and perched on it, gazing back outside...

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