Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Report number Six

This is my first report as Acting Tetrarch. There is

not much to report on a Phyle basis. I knoe everybody,

including me, is busy, but I hope we can get our

performance back up. I want Jack to come back to a

strong Phyle, and be proud that we carried on without

him. If not, I'm going to be the first one he is going

to go after, and I would prefer to avoid that

thankyouverymuch. Now onto the details.

Phyle News:

Nothing of Note this week. However, I would like to

extend a warm welcome to Obelisk Trooper Ric Gravin.

You are now an Avatar of , so get to work ;)


ARTISANS COMPETITION!!! I'm sure you don't need me to

repeat the details. This should be a great

competition, I want all of you Tyros to get ing!

Submit part of it at


As far as I know, there wasn't any activity in the

Avatars in this regard. Gotta love college eh?

Current Competitions:

Character development comp #5 End Date: 11/6/2004

Stairs of Darkness End Date: 11/7/2004

The Artisans End Date: 12/2/2004

November MT: Scars End Date: 11/30/2004

November MT: Poison End Date: 11/30/2004

Smuggler's Run End Date: 11/25/2004

Upcoming Comp:

Character development comp #6 End Date: 11/20/2004

OOC News~

Well, mid terms are over and gone over here at

college, but there are still plenty of assignments to

keep track of despite that. That means me and Taliana

are going to be around, but don't expect anything to

monumental, as neither of us really wants a medal in

exchange for an F or anything like that ;) Please

remember to send any business to me instead of Jack.

Other than that, I don't think there is much to say.

Now for our quote of the week:

"Your not afraid of the dark... are you?"

As usual, movie, character/actor, etc. Send the answer

to me and I will be sure that the points get reported

to Jack upon his return.

Humbly submitted,

PRT Morombath (Krath)/TYR/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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