Galaxies Tribune Report


Galaxies Tribune Report

This is a real quick update rather than a report. The guild is going through a phase of growing faster now than ever:

New Members are:

Osshuss Inteigeration

MuzAshen Keibatsu


Valix Valiaf

Sparling Dimond

Amadeaus RedCloud

Colney Wolf

Havafia Ito

Ziguarath Tarentae

Ease Vgoss

Anvil Scola

Welcome to the DBPA: The Dark Order and to the Brotherhood.

JtL (Jump to Lightspeed) Hit late last week and we were ready for it Bilden'da and the Guild are ready for it all. We have 3 vendors in the Guild Hall now and they have become well known in about a week Bilden'da will be able to place his Vender Tent and we will be listed on the world map for Smuggler goods, and Loot, but most importantly as a supplier of Fighter Chassies and Ship Parts. This will help the guild greatly. My TIE Fighter is wonderful and combat has been tightened up since the beta nicely.

Order of the Sith members, or anyone that loves to fly TIE Fighters, its now time to really think about joining us.

Ranks/Titles: the ranking system we agreed upon seems SOE will not let us use several key Ranks that the DJB uses therefore I have begun to place a Guild Ranking system into place. It should be finalized by next report.

The website of the Guild is :

Archpriest Vithril has done a spectatular job on it. Have a look.

WARNING: I have become more and more concerned with two of our fellow Imperial Faction Guilds: -V- and VR have boundy hunters that have killed Imperial Faction Jedi. This marks an area of concern for me as we have several in our guild trying to become Jedi INI, it will be bad enough that Rebel BH's will hunt us, now we have to worry about these to larger guilds and their treasonus actions. One jedi lost 800,000 xp to -V- BH's especially one called Gaius. I was skeptical until I was told by another independent that he had a screenshot of it. In light of this, once the vendors are out of the GH and in the vendor tent, I will mark the guild hall as private. To give at least our "soon" to be Dark Jedi Knights a haven.

In the Emperor's Name,

Once we are Jedis we are alway declared as Imperials, I dont think that Veers <-V-> woud actually allow such behavior. When I was guilded I was told to respect all other Imperials with in our server, Talonn one of the guild leaders told me that. So my guess would be that Veers would actually frown upon that...but then again they have Rebel members as well.

No Raid, you became "24/7 declared" only when you hit the mark of Jedi Knight or Dark Jedi Knight. As for -V- yeah they killed other Imp jedi I'm friend off in teh past so they have eighter changed policy or some isn't listening to their leader. Maybe Dagger can talk with -V- leader about it.
Still, -V- isn't the only guild we have to be mindful about, KOTOR are a major issue as well.

Let me know when our members reach the dizzy heights of Jedi and I can keep an eye on the Bounty Hunter Terminals pre-warned is pre-armed.

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