Galaxies Tribune Report


Galaxies Tribune Report


Well the PA has begun to hit a major milestone. We have listed on server 30 people with the -DB- tag on their names. 22 total people have gotten their dossier numbers and the other are new and in the process of joining the DJB web club.

With the launch of JtL we have been growing as we thought we would. Our group has grown.

Profession Masters

Gilkane: Master TK / Master Pistoleer / Master Smuggler (formerly Master Marksman)

Imperius (aka Khan) Master Swordsman / Master TK

Renodiar : Master TK

Master TK/Master Rifleman

Bilden'da : Master Artisan

Mordecai: Master Weapon Smith

Keveev: Master Medic

Colney: Master Marksman

Ear Mark and Milestones within Professions

Keveev has made Novice Doctor, a very difficult class to enter.

Colney: is close to Mastering Bounty Hunter another difficult class to master

Vithril and Tuara are currently Novice Creature Handlers, a class that is very specific and very difficult to enter

Astraea has become a Novice Image Designer, this class is one of the most saught after as they can change your characters looks and at higher levels migrate your stats to fix broken characters and what have you. Its not an easy class to level in. And can be extremely annoying to find experience with. Good luck

Gilkane:Tri-mastery one of two tri-masteries within the game was achieved by your Baron on 11/10004

** The following members have achieved Force Senstive Status within the Trials: **

Imperius (aka Khan)


Ease (a new member just acheived it yesterday)

Renodiar (aka Raid)

Good luck on the long Jedi Trials grind.

Our Guild Pilots

Syrra is currently our most advanced pilot I believe 3/3/3/3 if not very close to this. She has earned the TIE Interceptor certification which a lvl 3 certification within Pilot (there are only 5 counting Ace).

Renodiaris currently 2/2/2/2 or close to it perhaps a lvl in one of the four branches, an excellent accomplishment. Making him certified for the TIE/in

Gilkane(me) has achieved 2/2/2/2 and certified for the TIE/in

Imperius aka Khan has just joined us in "the Black" as it is being called, and has impressively in one week become 2/1/1/1 as the missions and xp grinding is difficult indeed.

Ace's and Master Pilots

None at this time I look forward to announcing this to you all when we have our first member make Ace if Imperial or Master Pilot if neutral


With the lose of two Commissars for various reasons, I am opening one Commissar position to the guild members in full status, e.g. those that are Dark Protectors. Please apply as the in game emails requested

_the next Update: _the Combat Update. Its commig and it will effect every combat class. The "lesser" classes are getting some more specials and weapons certs, the "greater" combat classes will be nerf'd, a new bar is being added to the HAM (Health/ Action / Mind) bars and will govern special attacks. Meaning that spamming specials will no longer be allowed. This will effect solo grouping and the Jedi grind heavily. If you were grinding and thought maybe March of next year you might get all 24 boxes full your one or two months away from march of 2006 being more likely your Jedi Initiate happening. Also there are several other Class oriented revamps.

Carbiner will be with the Combat update. It should become a much more interesting class now. New weapons for it and new skills.

The Smuggler revamp should be completely awesome for that class as it is seen as "broken" why I do not know but it is. Therefore Smugglers will begetting a major upgrade, skills added, especially to Mastery, and Spice will undergo a revamp making it a much more desireable mind buff. Also Clamps and laser knives will be experimental now and can be improved, we might even be able as Master Smugglers to chose to either give a weapon a speed or damage upgrade not have it ramdom. So much is happening there.

Other Class Revamps: I believe the Freelancer Pilot is about to be updated, its become clear that the Master Pilot helmet that is granted in the Master Pilot mission, can not be used by Wookies or Mon Calmari's that is being revamped so these races can benifit from the bonuses of the master pilots helmet


We have achieved one short term goal of mine for the guild. We have 30 members. In large part this is due to Renodiar and Vithrils hard work. But I would like to congradulate and thank ALL the members of the guild at least one recruit has come from the core members at large a week. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed thank you for your hard work.

Also special thanks to Bildan'da and all the artians of the guild. You are doing a fantastic job for us. Bilden'da in particular my chief Artisan is also now doing Ship Wright and Merchant we now have 4 vendors in the GH doing well. And yesterday he achieved the ability to place a vendor tent which will allow us to branch out to other markets on other worlds. You have done such a wonderful job suppling our guild with what we need and what I am happy to annouce that Bilden'da will officaly hold the position of "The Architect" in the government scheme approved by the LM, DGM and GM, and holds the title of** Dark Conjuror** (as "the Architect" is a protected name and will not hold in the titles). Congradulations Bilden'da weclome to the Guild Officer cadre.

In the Emperor's Name,

To clarify, I'm also master Brawler and been it for a while and as for pilot I wish I'm 2111 already, only 1111 here =/

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