Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Happy December,

Well, I better make this late report nice and short. =P By the way, sorry about it being so late, my schedule's actually busy for once. Anyways, on with it...


-DS won the Sunday Tourney!

-Also, Jac's set up a new system of reprting the gaming night matches, check the News page for details.

-DS is in the final round of the Seraph competition, everyone wish him luck


-Clan Comp! This is good for a few of you that need to get a competition done. Just answer 90% right and get an award. =P

-Sharad isn't dead! =P

-Kir's back from Thanksgiving.


-Chaos got a DC for his good activity levels, yay to him.

-We've been getting several Apprentice transfers, and they're active ones! =P

I probably missed a few things since I wrote this so fast, so be sure to check Kir and DS' reports for everything else.


KP NexusMage (Krath)/AED/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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