Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Well, the DB has slowed down a bit for the holidays, but that doesn't mean RL has. =P So, I've done no Christmas shopping yet...and I get to take lots of tests next week; so life's great.


The list of ships the clans won from the GJW is out, I'll post the ones Tally won in the Tally section.

Let's all go do those MT's for some easy wins since the DB has slowed down a bit for the holidays.


Check out all the ships we won! =P

Clan Taldryan, First Clan of the Great Jedi War

Modified Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser / Assault Frigate (A/FRG)

Corellian Engineering Corporation Gunship (GSP)

Vibre-class Assault Cruiser (VAC)

Vibre-class Assault Cruiser (VAC)

Kir was promoted to Primarch!

Shar's back on IRC!...kinda... =P

Go do the clan comp Taldryan Website Maddness here: just scroll down past Kir's report and the trivia's there. All ya gotta do is get 90% right and you get a medal. =P It ends today (Wednesday).


Unfortunately, Mystiel Raleigh had to transfer to the rogues because his military unit was deployed, everyone wish him luck and safety.

DS got a load of medals =P



KP NexusMage (Krath)/AED/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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