Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Yay, only 2 more hours of school left for this semester! =P

Well, a few things have happened this week, so check out the Ekky news on down.


-Well, some DV DSS requirements are out, I'm not too thrilled, but you can check it out if you want =P

-GoA requests are on hold till January


-Clan competition on naming our new ships:

"1 Assault Frigate (A/FRG)

1 Corellian Gunship (GSP)

2 Vibre Assault Cruisers (VAC)

Send all your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the

subject line "CLAN COMPETITION" (I asked people to do

this last time and only like 2 people did...please

helpĀ  my email filters work!).

You all have until December 31 to send in your

submissions, good luck!

CON Kir Taldrya Katarn"

-Shad and Ben have a cool JO/JA configuration/startup guide, check it out if you have the time:


-Malevolence/Blade has rejoined Ektrosis, everyone welcome him and his computer back from the dead. =P

-We have a new member, Jedari, and he has already achieved the rank of Acolyte, way to go!

-Unfortunately, Quarmador had to resign as Tetrarch of Phoenix, =/ but we won't be taking applications because...

-Chaosrain is the new TET of Phoenix! Everyone grab some drinks before he closes his tab! =P

-My inbox got flooded with awards, so GJ everybody, except on the whole flooding my inbox part =P


Chaosrain: StAx2

Tiberius: DC

Dark Sabre: StAx2 & SI

Bug me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


KP NexusMage (Krath)/AED/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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