Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


News: The Mighty Jasru Lakca has picked up the mantle of the Night Raptors over this last week. Congratulations, Lakca. Try not to die.

Adian Griffin also was assigned command, this time for the Night Falcons, our Sith flight. Also, no deaths is a good thing. It's important to note that the shields we won have been installed on out Tie I/N ships.

The irrepressible Jack Ordo was assigned command of our newly reclaimed ship, the Foresight. Jack was instrumental in relocating the ship as well as the political maneuvering with Antei to allow them to acknowledge our rights to the ship. Congratulations for a job well done, Jack Ordo.

Standard Stuff:

Promotions: Jack Ordo has joined the Equites as Priest. Congratulations, Priest Ordo. Our own Link Vortex has been dispatched for her first Jedi Hunt, to claim her new title of Hunter. Let's wish her luck and hope that she is strong enough to survive.

Decorations: Lenzar snatched up a bunch of Clusters of Fire, And so did Tiss. Well done guys. I'm surprised that Jasru isn't in there.

Graduations: Nothing this week.

Deaths: The black band of mourning is to be donned this day. Word has returned from our scouts that we have lost six promising young dark jedi to the forces of the New Republic. Keitarou, Morgarth, Paul, Sage Vernard, Jake Ordo and Ardana Ordo were slain as they fought valiantly against incredible odds in an engagement with the Jedi on Yavin IV. Funeral services will be held Sunday, with a reception in our cantina. I will be taking names of volunteers who wish to avenge our fallen brethren. Contact me for details.

Recruits: Everybody please welcome Sefiroph to our house. An envoy should be contacting you soon, Sefiroph. And we should probably keep you away from Cloud (Arcanum).


Tissaya has a couple out, and then there are the KMT's. I'm preparing for a few more. The CNS ACC Comp is underway.


We won the Artisans comp. HA. It was closer than I would have liked. ACC Comp underway, more comps on the way. Hope you guys are ready to win some shinies for the holidays.

Personal Notes:

Haven't played SWG in a while, and no one has told me what's going on with the former Baron. no biggie..I can always try to resurrect my social life. Three cheers for vodka.

The Beatings will continue until morale improves!

KAP Muz Ashen (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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