<title>18th of December, 2004</title>
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</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">
</td> <td width="50%">DECEMBER 18th, 2004</td> </tr> </table>
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**<font size="2">Grand Master Report
</font>**[<font size="2">read</font>]
**Deputy Grand Master Report
<span style="font-size: 10.0pt" lang="EN-AU">Oracle Report</span><font face="Verdana" size="2">
<span style="font-size: 10.0pt" lang="EN-AU">Earning Dark Side Scrolls </span><font size="2">
**Herald Report
New Competition for everyone! Check the Competitions portion!
New Battle Team Created!
Congrats to Nilani Bakash as Tetrarch of Virulent Blade BT!
1. Dark Jedi Christmas Wishes
2. Spoils of War
3. A Tetrarch's Trivia
4. A Christmas Party
5. ER- New ER Motto
6. Aleema- New Motto Comp
7. CSK- CSK Opera
8. CSK- Run-Around-Monkey-Abound
Zodius promoted to Novice!
Zodius transferred back to Aleema!
JH Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez transferred in to Aleema! Welcome our new
GRD Nilani Bakash awarded DC.
JH Zadious awarded x16 CoFs, DC, Quartz Crescent x3.
DJK Xhedias Draconis Entar awarded x6 CoFs, DC,
DJK Jeax Zirv awarded DC.
JH Callus Bo'Amar awarded DC.
JH Zadious scored a 100% on the Sith Core!
JH Zadious scored a 92% on the Krath Poetry!
_Zodius converted to the Sith Order!
Jeahesic Forkall is now known as Isaiah Demonicus.
<td width="100%">
Hello Aleema, this week has been very hectic for me and a few of you
members out there. With exams taking place for the college ranking
students and just the need to get on X-mas break. I know this pain more
than anyone :P. In Aleema it has once again been a very productive week
and im glad to see everything that is going on, members getting promoted,
taking exams, earning medals and competing in competitions run by the
various people in Satal Keto and Aleema. We have got to see much new blood
this week and im excited to now see the shiny future of Aleema at hand.
Keep racking up those medals and giving Aleema as well as Satal Keto a
good name, and oh...<font color="#FF0000"> MERRY X-MAS!</font>
Quaestor's Trivia
1. Who played the part of Plo Koon in Episode I?
Alan Ruscoe (Answered)
2. Who played Darth Maul in Episode I?
Ray Parks (Answered)
3. What droid bounty hunter were there multiple copies of?
IG-88 (Answered)
4. What class of Star Destroyer did Darth Vader personally command?
Victory Class (Answered)
5. What saying (the same one) did Anakin Skywalker and Han Solo say during the Star Wars Saga?
I have a bad feeling about this
6. Who was Shmi Skywalkers Husband?
Cleigg Lars (Answered)
7. What is Coruscant's biggest body of water?
I think Zad said the West Bay : P (Answered)
8. What moon did the Mandolorian Wars begin on?
!FYI!: Now as Quaestor the Trivia is open to all members of Aleema.
DJK Xhedias Draconis Entar (Obelisk)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto [GMRG: GDM]
Well all heres what I got for yall this week. Not much but its the
thought that counts
APP The Chad [Aleema]
Nov Zodius [Aleema]
JH Mirnerva Sanches Lobos Ramierez [Aleema]
APP Econe BoAmar [Rogue]
NOV Braxx Mercus [Rogue]
.. Callus is getting DJK soon he hopes)
The usual suspects of course
Xhedias Draconis Entar CoF x(like 70 or so)<
<font color="#00FF00">My Aedile is funny isnt he?</font>
JH Zadious CoF x(a few dozen)<
<font color="#00FF00">Hes still funny</font>
Aediles Corner
Ummmm well I really dont have that much to say to yall this week except
that here its really cold and they are calling for snow. So I hope
everyone enjoys the holidays and there are still some cool comps running
so everyone get on em. Well thats my piece.
1312 Priest Ziltopia
3335 Priest M'Kel Kahn
3411 Dark Jedi Knight Jeax Zirv
3530 Dark Jedi Knight Xhedias Draconis Entar
1226 Jedi Hunter Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez
4057 Jedi Hunter Zadious
4195 Jedi Hunter Callus Bo'Amar
4278 Guardian Nilani Bakash
3069 Protector Koidyis Soilatus
4100 Acolyte shadoweye333
4184 Acolyte Jeahesic Forkall
4090 Novice Zodius
4531 Novice Alexander
3834 Apprentice Lano Nolan
4535 Apprentice Gil Mescena
4602 Apprentice Kyln Nadine
4634 Apprentice The Chad
Ensanguined Reavers
December 17, 2004
Clan News:
1) CSK took first place in the MML competition: Congrats!
House News:
1) New faces abound
2) Virulent Blade, New Multi-Order BT, opened
Phyle News:
1) Holiday preparation! Comps galore!
2) AWOL check coming up
Medals, Promotions, Transfers, etc.:
1) PRT Nilani Bakash: Transfer to Virulent Blade, installment as TET.
2) DJK Jeax Zirv: DC
3) Nov Zodius: Moved to Sith Order, transferred to Kirleta
4) JH Zadious: Cluster of Fire x 16, Cr-Q, DC; Passed Krath Poetry, Sith
Current Competitions:
1) December KMTs:
A. Poetry Ecstasy: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=638
B. Fiction The Moment of Peace: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=639
2) Aleeman Christmas Party: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=636
3) Dark Jedi Christmas Wishes: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=633
4) The New Aleema Motto: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=632
5) The Spoils of Battle: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=615
6) Character Development Comp: The Sin of Gain: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=640
7) Run-Around-Monkey-Abound: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=645
8) New ER Motto Comp: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=649
9) CSK Opera: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=646
Upcoming Competitions:
1) Tetrarchs Trivia: Redux Pending approval: This weeks trivia
question will be sent out via the listserv if/when the competition is
2) MP battles (Submitted by Jeax) Pending approval
A Word from the Tetrarch:
Afternoon, ladies and gents. First of all, Id like to give a big thanks
to those who participated in the DBs Murder Mystery League competition.
Thanks to your efforts, we took first place, and bragging rights!
Luckily for us, therere a ton of other comps running at present. Many
are less than twenty-four hours from ending, so get those submissions in
ASAP! Were on top of the other clans right now, and we should keep that
momentum going into the new year!
A quick reminder: AWOL check is coming up. Please send your information to
gimpgenius@hotmail.com . You should include the following:
-Your DB handle
-Current Rank
-Comps youd like to participate in. If there arent any like what you
want, TELL ME!
-Aspirations for your DB persona
-What you think of current policies in the Phyle/House/Clan, and what you
think could be done to improve them
-What competitions youve submitted to in the last month
Any other pertinent information would be greatly appreciated. If these
reports are not in my inbox by the end of the day (11:59 p.m. EST)
1/1/2005, Youll be removed from the Phyle. So shoot me an e-mail and
get psyched for the coming year!
Virulent Blade
This is my first report as Tetrach of Virulent Blade (hopefully one of many). Were a newly created battle team and Id firstly like to say how pleased I am to have this position, and Im very much looking forward to getting to know you all.
## BT News
Virulent Blade is CSKs created battle team (thats about the only news I have to give you right now :P)
** Medals**
None if you want medals try the comps! There a lot of DB, Clan and House ones on right now, so take a look at the competition Centre** **
Apprentice Zodious promoted to Novice!** **
APP The Chad (to VB)
NOV Zodius (to VB)
APP Econe Bo'Amar (to rogue)
<td width="100%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="35%" id="AutoNumber3"> <tr> <td width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" align="center">** Quaestor*</td> <td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#003300"> Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="90%" bgcolor="#666666" align="center">* Aedile*</td> <td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#003300"> Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="90%" bgcolor="#808080" align="center">* Rollmaster*</td> <td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#666666"> N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="90%" bgcolor="#999999" align="center">Virulent Blade</td> <td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#003300"> Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="90%" bgcolor="#999999" align="center">* Ensanguined Reavers**</td> <td width="10%" align="center" bgcolor="#003300"> Yes</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <-
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