Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings Mylords and Ladies of Hex,

Now let me take this moment to wish you all a happy new year. Let this year be a symbol for our greatness. As a member of Ektrosis and of Hex, it is your duty to serve the betterment of the Clan and set an example for others to follow. I cant imagine a greater group of individuals I would rather be working with for the good of the house and the DB.

Now for some bad news. As you are all well aware by now our beloved Proconsul is departing from our ranks. I would like to take this oppertunity to wish him well in the old vulcan way. Live long and prosper.

Tib looks for cover after using hated Star Trek Quote in a Star Wars fan Club :P

What can I say about Proconsul Sharad, except he is a good man, and a great leader. I cant imagine Taldryan in her current position in the DB without Sharads support and drive. As a friend I commend him, and as a leader I adore him. If those are the only truthfull words I say this week, let them be in praise of Sharad. :P I will not take this moment to wish everyone in Hex and Ektrosis the oppertunity to wish our proconsul a good and satisfied life.

In the name of Hex, we wish you Gods speed. May you fulfill your destiny and bring happiness to whom ever you touch, as you have done for us.

Three cheers for Sharad. We are going to miss you.

Hip Hip Hurray. Hip Hip Hurray. Hip Hip Hurray.

A moments silence if you please. Greatness is passing us by.

Now for other news:

There are more competitions that are on the way. I cant tell you what they are you will find out soon enough. But let me inform you of the recent competitions that I would like to see a few of you participating in.

1)Sith Lord Reborn.

That is all. Participate in this one and that will be enough. cant stress on this enough, some of you really need to participate in some thing. It may as well be this.

All other information is on the DB website so I consult you to visit it in the near future.

Hex members:

I am sure you know who you are other wise this is going to be a long report.

But just for clarification here you all are:-

Hex Members:-




Apoc i-Sa'onserei ui'Ifrionn


Vodo Biask

Menephes din santo

Okay that all for now. Here is the weekly trivia. Dont get brain rot thinking about it :P

Well here it is:-

What is the name of the Mos Eisley Cantina?

The previous owner of C-3PO and R2-D2 was...?

Obi-Wan's rank in the Clone Wars?

What was the name of Princess Leia's Correllian Corvette which was attacked at

the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope?

Code name for Hoth base?

There you go. Now send me the correct reply and win yourself a nice medal.

Your Humble Servant

Tiberius Claudius Germanicus Tang'va

Eternal Monument ot Palpatine

Servant of the Divine Emperor

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