Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Ludo Kressh

Aedile Report



Recently Rai decided to choose me for his Aedile. All of you know me I guess, so I'll skip the   

introducing myself part, but let me briefly tell you, how my work is going to look like, what I expect of you, and what you can expect of me.

I'll try my best to keep in touch with everyone. First, through the reports, and perhaps some e-mails durign the week if I have something to say/ some problem occures/ something important happens.   

Secondly, I look forward to cooperate with team leaders in such cases as House wide competitions, House projects etc.   

Thirdly, I'm going to run AWOL checks from time to time, to keep only the active members within the House. If you know, you're going to be away for some time, or have a hard time in RL that doesn't allow you to be active for some period, then let know about it to Rai and me.   

Right at the moment I do not plan competitions, we have quite a lot of them running, and you got things to do. After the KRoS is over, I will host an event for the House, or a few of them, one including gaming, one including writitng, and one another with some general form of activity.   

What have we accomplished in the past week...

We have taken part in the Krath RoS run on. To be precise 4 of us. Raistlin, Bob, Kratas and me. I must say, the run on goes really well, whole Clan hit two pages by now. So huge props go to Raist, Bob and Kratas for helping the clan in this event. However, the KRoS is not over yet. I encourage you all, whoever feels alright about writing, to go and participate.

We also completed the Crossword for the KRoS, we did it quite fast, and I hope we got our submissions in as the first Clan. Great work, and big thanks to everyone who helped in it.

KRoS ACC event. We do have some participation there as well. First round is going to be over on January the 21st, but already the sign ups for chapter 2 of the ACC event are opened, and I'd advice to quickly sign, as it's going to be closed soon. Good luck in your combats!

Double Elimination of Naga Sadow in ACC. In this competition some of us take part too, not as many as we'd like, but still the activity is holding up,

Things to keep you busy.

Krath RoS, more info can be found here:

Monthy Topics:

  • January MT topics

Fiction topic: Beauty Pageant

Entries to Dark Sabre [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .doc or .txt.

Poem topic: My wish.

You have one wish. Write a poem to describe it.

Entries go to me [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .doc or .txt.

SWBF WoW (12:00 PM, Fri January 14 to 12:00 PM, Fri January 21)

Saturday Tournaments going every week, + if you play there, you can take part in the Sunday Night Comp.

Except that the usual tuesday and thursday MP competitions, open for the whole day.

Don't miss the trivia in ProConsul's reports, you might the a LS for that! Also, after every DB meeting in IRC (undernet, #db) there's being held trivia about SW, DB and all kind of stuff (recently it was something about Chemistry... o.O )

In conclusion...

The most important right now is the KRoS, so I mark it as our priority. We are doing pretty good, but still, I'd like to see some more actions from everyone. Even if it means just one post in the run-on, or just the ACC combat for first or second chapter. Good luck, and have fun with the RoS.

As for all other matters -- well, the door to my office is opened... unless it's closed :P But seriously, you can come to me with any kind of problem, especially the 'younger' members, as I bet some things might be still misty for you. And I'm here to help - no matter how big or small the problem might be.

I guess that's all what I wanted to tell you in this very first report of mine from the position of Aedile.

KPN Tissaya Argat Sadow

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