Consul Report


Consul Report

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16th January 2005 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="19"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="19"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="19"> Another busy week has passed. Apologies for this being slightly late. I started work, in RL, last week and now I'm getting stupid 8hr shifts. AND, I'm also having to start at 8am. So it's very sucky. I'm used to only working like 5hrs, then coming home and bumming around and checking my email and stuff. Now it's like a rush to get it all done at night before my t.v shows come on, before I have dinner, and before I get yelled at :P I didn't expect this to be my "new years resolution". Now onto DB related stuff... Krath Rite of Supremacy (Yes, I spelt it right this time :P) is still running! The first Chapter is here and it ends on the 21st of January! A link is provided down the report where the details can be found!

  There's a fiction event that is an individual submission. This means you 
  get points for your own work, plus points for your Clan. This also means 
  that you have a chance to win a medal for yourself, and not just for your 
  Clan. So it's good to get involved in this one, because it's something you 
  can achieve as an individual. And of course, you're still helping out your 
  Clan :)  

  The Crossword and Run-On are Clan based submissions. This means that the 
  whole Clan has to work together to get it done. The Crossword is something 
  that we can all work together on. You just download the crossword and 
  figure out the answers, then you send your answers to myself and PCON 

  The Run-On has started, but only those who signed up first can participate 
  in the Run-On. I sent out a notice a few days before I started the Run-On, 
  and I only got 6 replies. So only those 6 members will get medals for 
  helping in the Run-On.  

  The ACC section is a co-operative story using the ACC. It's not a battle, 
  like the common ACC, but it's a story told between two people through 
  posts. It's just like a Run-On, except it's only between two people.

Sign ups for the Chapter Two ACC Ladder, which is where you fight members of the DB, are running now. What you need to do is log in to the ACC and go to the Ladders section and sign up. To first log in to the ACC, you need a character sheet. To do that, you need to log in to your DB Admin and subscribe to the ACC, and then create a Character Sheet.

  **All orders can participate! End date for Chapter One is the 21st!**

There are more competitions down the report. They all end on the 31st! They're easy and fun. One of them is a Game playing competition, so that will be fun.

The Advancement Guide got updated! It was down for a while because of some coding error, so apologies for anyone who tried to look at if over the past couple of days. It's now back online and with a slight adjustment to the Guidelines.

Callus Bo'Amar completed his final trial with me yesterday. He has now earned the rank of Dark Jedi Knight! We just have to wait for it to be officially done, but I would like to congratulate Callus on his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight! Over the past two months he has worked hard with the trials I have given him. And not only that, but he has also been working as Aedile under Xhedias' command. So he's worked hard to get this promotion. Now Callus will be running around like mad with his new Lightsaber :P

Since I'm on the topic of trials, I wanted to remind our members that we have a Master/Student Program. The Program is where you have someone who is your "Master" and he/she gives you trials for each rank up to Dark Jedi Knight. These trials can be any number of things. Trials can be; 1 fiction, 1 poem, 1 game match, 1 acc match. Or; 1 game match, 1 fiction, 2 ACC match, 1 exam.

  A number of different things to earn you your next promotion. These trials 
  are to be different from the ones required by the Advancement Guide. So 
  it's possible that you'll actually get promoted quicker by being in the 
  Master/Student Program. The Program also helps you with understanding more 
  on how the DB works. It also helps you interact with other members of the 
  Dark Jedi Brotherhood.   

  If you would like to know more about this Program, links are provided at 
  the end of the report. 

And last, i would like to remind everyone that if you have ANY questions about DB, Clan or House issues please don't hesitate to ask your leaders. You can ask your Quaestor, Aedile, Proconsul and Consul. If you have a general question about the Clan that you fell that everyone else might be asking, you can ask over the Clan Mailing List. The Clan Mailing List isn't just used for important emails. It can also be used for general communication. And in Clan Satal Keto, we promote general communication on our Mailing Lists. So don't be afraid to ask :)


  CSK Hot Shots for this Week  


  Callus Bo'Amar on his promotion to DJK! And his match against me in the 

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Master Student Program: Guide!

  _**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**

  _**CSK Site**_**:** [](  

  _**Clan Competitions**_**:**   

  Right of Supremacy [](   

  The Fallen

  The Sands of Time

  Mission Impossible? Part 1

  _**CSK Newsletter**_**:** _In Planning_  

  **_CSK Weekly Meetings_:** _In Progress_  

  _**CSK Game:**_ _In Planning_  

  _**Patriciate of Satal Keto:**_ _In Planning_

  <td width="100%" height="19">
  <td width="100%" height="19">

  [Dark Jedi 

  [Dark Side 

  [Clan Satal 

  [House Aleema](  

  [House Kirleta](

  [CSK Advancement 

  [Gaming Guide](  

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