Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Ok, let's get down to business here...

The Krath Rite of Supremacy is going on right now. The fiction is due this Friday. There's no length minimum, so, go and submit something, so long as it fits the topic. The ACC ends this Friday, so there's still time to do that event as well.

Finally, if you want to get in on the crossword, let me know and I'll get you caught up.

Also, the RoS run-on is on the clan message board.

Now, this week's awards:

-Windos got a CF

-Zekk got 7 CFs and a Legion of Scholar

-Nual got a Legion of Scholar and passed his Krath CORE exam.

-Welshman got a CF

That's really all I've got to say this week. The Krath RoS is the big thing this week, and after that, we can do some House events.

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