Herald Report


Herald Report

For those of you who are wondering the primary Praetor position was filled - by Vassan! I elevated Vassan to Praetor to help govern the GoA Reform. Also , welcome to Zekk, the newest member of the HRLD Office. Zekk is the new primary

Magistrate. I may soon hire more people on, but I'm looking into the qualifications of certain individuals.

The Grant of Arms Reform Committee still needs to hear from (more) artists or people with vision and the ability to relay such vision. Trust me, even a Windows Paint sketch is worth a million words. If you are interested and plan to keep active in the project, send me a note.

GoA's are on hold for a while.

Oh yeah - and report your Custom Lightsaber or else. Nah, just kidding. Yes - report it. Not the "or else" part. Sorry about the tyrannical demand earlier this week. Congrats for all those who have already sent them to me.

  • Site Reconstruction

The old countdown clock is working fine now. Make sure you install the font. In other news I added some images to the RPG sections of the HRLD Site. Info related to those images will be input when I can get to it.

I'm also going to put the JO skins back up sometime by the end of this month.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests

All on hold as stated above.

  • Custom Lightsabers

None submitted. Some requested. None created this week, but capability to make them has been restored.

I intended on having Exar Kun's Clan Award Saber finalized this week but got sidetracked by a little RL work. I'll hammer something out by next week. I swear.

ROTS Shots

If you're hot for images from the upcoming film, check out this site. It has a very cool gallery showing detailed images of characters and places - and look for one image that has Ewan McGregor looking a LOT like a young Alec Guinness.

Shhh - Spoilers!

And if you'd just rather see how the entire film is going to go, check out this site and click on "Full Tour". Be sure to look for a meeting of the Jedi Council (Frame #9) with Ki-Adi-Mundi as a holoprojection - just how I'm always saying I am at the DJB meetings!

Hutt Wheels

You may have heard of it, you may wish you never had. Some joker made a custom vehicle that somewhat resembles Jabba's Skiff. It's called The JL421 Badonkadonk, and serves

no real purpose. They are made to order, at $20,000 a pop.

Military work still sucks, especially when the inspector is being evaluated. There's nothing quite like re-doing

about a week's worth of work in one day. I'm not sure what's worse - that or the fact that it's always 100+ degrees

in my office, but about 5 degrees in the warehouse - where I have to go about every 15 minutes.

BFV is still sort of fun. I need to get away from the one server where people are way above my skill level. I was

really close to breaking the NCO rank level on Gametrack and that made me slightly happier. THough I just checked it and I was down a rank...

Everyone else I play the game with is an Officer, yet I'm stuck in Enlisted. I guess I just need to play more.

Eventually I'll look seriously into a business that I want to start. Trouble is, I need to get ahold of some

research to tell me if there is any interest in it... Meh.

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