Consul Report


Consul Report

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23rd January 2005 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="19"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="19"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="19"> Another week has past... Firstly, I apologise again for this slightly late report. I think it's only late by an hour. I had another long shift at work and was called in this morning, so I did plan to write my report this morning, however, I got called into work. I have a feeling this year I'll be working a lot harder... joys of working.

  Chapter 1 of the KRoS has ended. Chapter 2 of 
  KRoS has now started. Details are listed further below.   

  I want to again say that participating in this Competition is great for 
  you as an individual and great for your Clan. You are not only helping 
  your Clan by earning points through participating, but you are also 
  earning yourself points toward medals that can be won. Also, your 
  participate will count toward future promotions! So all in all, it's a 
  win-win situation.   

  If you have ANY questions about what this is all about, please contact 
  your leaders or myself. Your leaders are your Quaestors and Aediles.

Something I've discovered this week is that some newer members may have a Spam blocking system, which stops them from getting our Mailing List emails straight to their inbox. Instead the emails go to another folder or aren't received at all. If you are a member who doesn't get any emails from [SatalKeto], then you might have a spam blocker on.

  It is very important that you receive emails from the Clan Mailing Lists. 
  We use this as our number one communicating tool, and we send all our 
  notices and information through this. I also want to stress to people that 
  they should read or at least open all the emails. You can usually tell my 
  the first sentence if the email if important or if it's just some casual 

We got 6 new Apprentices join our Clan this week! This is one of the highest so far of APPs joining in 1 week. This is great news for our Clan, as we're getting newer fresh active members. I am confident that all the leaders are aiding these members as much as they can to give them stable footing, until they know enough to stand on their own. But, it would also be good to see other members speaking with these new members. It helps if someone close to the new member, as in rank or time of stay, explains his/her journey when they first joined the DB and/or Clan. And with that, they can also help the new member get through the first steps on knowing the DB.

That's about it for this week. I plan on using IRC more often, for those who are concerned. Previously I haven't been using it often because i don't like to idle. I think it's a waste to sit online and then go away for 2hrs. But, I've now decided to go on IRC and stay on, and if I have to leave for a long time I will leave it in away mode, so that people can still send me a message online. On most occasions I only 'idle' or go away for like 1hr.


  CSK Hot Shots for this Week  


  Khamier Sarin for his promotion to JH!

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Master Student Program: Guide!

  _**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**

  _**CSK Site**_**:** [](  

  _**Clan Competitions**_**:**   

  Rite of Supremacy [](  

  Rite of Supremacy Chapter Two

  The Fallen

  The Sands of Time

  Mission Impossible? Part 1

  _**CSK Newsletter**_**:** _In Planning_  

  **_CSK Weekly Meetings_:** _In Progress_  

  _**CSK Game:**_ _In Planning_  

  _**Patriciate of Satal Keto:**_ _In Planning_


  <td width="100%" height="19">
  <td width="100%" height="19">

  [Dark Jedi 

  [Dark Side 

  [Clan Satal 

  [House Aleema](  

  [House Kirleta](

  [CSK Advancement 

  [Gaming Guide](  

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