Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Contrary to popular reports, i ain't dead.


KRoS. Do it. Last time, we had NO fiction submissions. I don't like hearing that. None. So here is what you gotta do.

Fiction - Complete the text surrounding the reference that Kaiann unearthed (‘of certain mindset and of a closeness to allow such influence to affect the subject'). Use your imagination to expand on what may have been written. Make sure to highlight the quote in some way. Minimum of one page, TNR 12 pt (or equivalent). Please submit in .doc or .txt.

Poetry - Write a haiku expressing absolute devotion to a task... even though you're not completely sure what that task is!

Minimum of four 'verses'. Please submit in .doc or .txt.

Turn these in by the fifth, and i'll be happy. CC me to prove you did it, and get points towards your next promotion.

That's easy, no?

Since my last report, Lenzar was assigned to the position of rollmaster and he is running an AWOL check. if you're worried that you're awol, you'd better email him to check in. Or even if you ain't worried, do it anyway.

new stuff:


Voort SaBinring made Guardian! rock out. Xanos Silverwulf was nominated to fill the office of PCON after the KRoS is over and we lose Korras Aquillarum to the DC. Congratulations, Xanos, and good luck, Korras.


Lenzar wins trivia every week, so he adds another LSS to his collection.. Someone go beat him one week so we can make him scramble. Ha!

CFs went out to Phantom, Jasru Lakca, Voort SaBinring, and Lenzar Demonis Entar. Well done, all around.

Voort SaBinring also won a topaz Crescent for first place in the Fighter Pilot's ... or not? competition

Which Means that Voort is the bearer of the Mini-Beatdown Stick for this week. Fear Voort. Fear the stick.




KRoS! Do it now. I'll be on MIRC in #naga_sadow off and on this week. I'll have JO up and running, and I wanna see every obelisk in action. I wanna see a cc from every krath in this house as they burninate the KROS events. And finally, I wanna see a really hot goth chick... oh wait... that's in a few more minutes. Here's to hoping that this one isn't crazy.

The beatdowns will commence in T minus thirteen seconds.

KAP Muz Ashen (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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