Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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House Galeres Aedile Report

JH Tarax Eosphoros Dante Kor reporting for Galeres - Jan.29th/2005

<table width="100%" border="2">

<tr> <td bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="black">****<center>Arrivals/Departures</center></td></tr>

We've had one newcomer in this past week. Everyone welcome Obelisk Templar Blade Dranal. Good to have him here.

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<tr> <td bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="black">*<center>Awards/Promotions*</center></td></tr>

None I know of.

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="black">*<center>Shadow Academy Graduations *</center></td> </tr> </table> Apprentice Dark Hunter passed both the Dark Jedi Meditation with a score of 82 and the Obelisk Core with a score of 75. Congratulations to him. :)

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="Blue" bgcolor="black">*<center>House Galeres/Arcona News</center></td> </tr> </table> 1) The Krath Rites of Supremacy are well underway. Go participate!!! Information on the RoS events can be found at *

2) We've gotten a new Proconsul. Everyone congratulate Dark Adept Halcyon Rokir, former HOO Quaestor, to his appointment as the Arcona Proconsul. He accepts bribes, so we're all in luck.

3) We have new Clan Forums. Have a look-see.

4) Quaestor Odjn and myself have prepared a guideline for promotions, known as the Trials of Dark Ascension. They can be found on the House Galeres Forums. I suggest everyone looks through them.

5) An AWOL check of sorts is going to be released soon. I suggest you all watch out for it, and do as it requires if you wish to remain in the House.

6) The Quaestor and myself have big plans for Galeres in the coming days/weeks. Keep an eye out for them, as they will affect you all.

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="black" bordercolor="blue">****<center>Dark Brotherhood News</center></td> </tr> </table> 1) Uhh... ICTE is still on. Go play. It's fun. Although no one showed up today....

2) As I said, The Krath RoS is on. People are rejoicing. Jeeeeeeeej.

3) If you haven't caught on by now, the New Forums are up. Go register, go post. Now now now.

4) More stuff probably happened. I was too lazy to look but feel free to have a peek at

In Darkness...

"Vivat Ira Koris..."

JH Tarax Eosphoros "Nitemare" Dante Honos Kor (Sith)/AED/Galeres of Arcona



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