Herald Report


Herald Report

I am planning a team-based multiplayer Jedi Academy event, but I need someone to help me test things before hand. If you have JA and some free time, drop me a line.

  • Site Reconstruction

Nothing new this week. It's been a little busy, but I plan on doing some more this weekend.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests These are still on hold - as in don't request them. I'm still getting a few requests every couple days.

  • Custom Lightsabers

None submitted. Some requested. None created this week.

**Report your custom lightsaber. You have one more week.

Deadline extended to Feb 5th.**

Setting the Mood

The opening scroll of any Star Wars film really helps set up the tone of the film. Visual effects Supervisor John Knoll has been responsible for the opening scroll in the prequels, and here he explains the process of creating them. Be sure to check the Roll Up Library, which shows the official opening text used in all six Star Wars films.

International Affair

Since the DJB is a diverse and worldly group, it's only fair to give the info on when E3 will be released in other countries. Though almost all of them are still May 19th, check here for your country's date.

There Is Another...

And how could I overlook the importance of marketing? Check out this for some pics on the toys and trash - including bedsheets, games, action fighures, books and LEGO sets - that'll hit the stores in the Spring.

What Not To Wear

At first I was very excited at the link I am about to share. I was hoping that LucasFilm was finally releasing decent costumes for the masses. Instead, I must now share my pain, frustration and anger. Check out this monstrosity. Though the baby Yoda and Leia Organa is actually pretty funny and on some level... cute... the Slave Leia dog is frightening and should never, ever be replicated.

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges!

I had to use their title - I love Blazing Saddles.

Anyway, check out the Celebration III badges/passes to be used for the event. They look pretty neat with Clone Wars art on one side and an actual photo on the other.

Work... still hot. Too hot in fact. It makes me ill how hot it is. People ask me what it's like working for a military sub-contractor. Remember that warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark with the thousands of uniform crates and boxes? That is pretty much how it looks - and feels.

Home... not cold. Though I reported it to the DC, I didn't tell anyone else that my furnace stopped working yesterday. Since that took up a lot of my time I wasn't able to make a report by the deadline.

  • Played some BFV... getting better. Though it still frustrates me, I have found other servers where I'm well above average.

  • Played some XWA... did ok. Though it still frustrates me, I've hobbled through some of the SP missions and played 1 MP match - I lost.

  • Planning a MP JA event for the DJB... getting anxious. Though it still frustrates me, I have hope in the possibility of getting people together for it.

  • Planning my own business, sort of.... getting confused. Though it still frustrates me, I want to see it actually happen.

Zelda says hi.

Gah, what's it with putting animals and small kids in costumes? So sick....

I like your reports, always refreshing :o)

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